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RE: Slavery exists, is endorsed, is legal, inside the U.S. - Con-Sourcing is alive and growing...

in #politics8 years ago

still that doesn't undermine anything i said. A labor camp is the same as a prison where people are forced to work. Sure labor camp has the connotation of torture and death. But it's like saying a car is not a car anymore, just because it is always breaking down and pretty much a death trap on four wheels. It is still a car. Everything else would be a from of euphemism (dysphemism to be precise).

Of course I dont want other people to suffer, but there are countless atrocities committed all over the world. cough Guantanamo Bay cough

I dont trust the defectors stories. Remember the girl speaking in front of the UN about the atrocities in Iraq that led to the 1st Iraq war. Her statement was an act, but she still convinces me to this day , when I watch the video.

I will post an article about Rodmans visit to NK in about 10 minutes if you are interested ;)