I also mentioned it very shortly, but Merkel does not seem very corrupt. Her arguments are usually either reasonable or she is doing something because the people do or do not want it. I thought of giving some examples, but I felt the article would get too long with that.
But here is one: Her position on marijuhana. She agrees that alcohol is the far more dangerous drug, but the people are used to and love alcohol. Many people do not feel that way about marijuhana.
And indeed 68% of Germans do not want cannabis to be legalized. So she is just doing what the people want. Even if that might be guided by misinformation by the media.
I am a voluntaryist... (anarchist by the classic meaning). I don't believe other humans should be able to tell you what you can and cannot put into your body. So legalize it all. You must be responsible for your own actions so until you actually harm another person, or their property why should I care what you are putting in your body?
Now it may be insane, but Portugal did this more than a decade ago and instead focused on treatment centers for those that wanted it. All of their drug related crimes, addictions, and things like HIV due to needle use have dropped dramatically and at a much less expensive price than trying to prevent people from putting banned substances in their bodies.
Furthermore, let's say I kill someone with a car because I am drunk.
Are there not already laws for murder, and/or manslaughter? How about for reckless driving?
So do we truly need to ban a substance or can't we simply use the laws that already exist when there is an actual VICTIM.
I believe No victim, no crime.
I'm all with you.
But Merkel would get actually impeached if she did that. She is after all the the head of a christian conservative party that is traditionally anti-drugs. It would not be the first time her party tries to get rid of her Horst Seehofer is the head of a group within the party (CSU) and is constantly putting her under pressure for unpopular decisions she make.
Yes, I understand this. Interestingly enough Trump is doing things a lot of people want done as well. Yet, none of those people control the media.
I'm not saying that as a fan of Trump. Yet, I don't see him as bad as the media is trying to make him out to be. He is another case of better than X.
I don't really care if a politician says really flowery/pretty/nice sounding things with great charisma, if their actions are evil corrupt, etc.
Obama was great at speaking. His law background shined through. He also played upon the short term memory issues with most of our population when it comes to politics. I voted for him in 2008. He was saying a lot of things I agreed with, and Ron Paul was out so I chose to vote for Obama. Yet once he was in office he strengthened things he was saying were bad when he was campaigning, and the things I voted for him for he did the exact opposite.
Words are meaningless if they are not backed by actions.
So all the people freaking out over Trump because of WORDS. I don't care about the words so much from politicians anymore.
I care about actions.
I despised Hillary not due to words, but due to actions.
I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump, but if I were forced I would vote for Trump over Hillary any day.
I unlike many was not a fan of Bernie Sanders either. Promising a lot of free shit tends to get people to like you. The problem is there is no FREE when it comes to the government. The government produces nothing but rules, waste, and wars. Anything a politician promises for FREE will be paid for in some way by the people. I also didn't like a lot of his National Socialist speeches as it was clear he didn't know very much about history. He also made claims about other countries to back his stories that clearly showed he knew very little about what those countries actually did.
So words are not what I look for. I study actions.
"I don't really care if a politician says really flowery/pretty/nice sounding things with great charisma, if their actions are evil corrupt, etc."
saying that you should actually really like her. Sry, for another plug but I did some subtitles for an interview and a speech.
For me it isn't about that. You mentioned how if she did certain things they would impeach her.
While you are likely right, I also don't think people standing up for the right things should be impeached. The fact that they can be is a problem.
I also do not consider people a good choice if that is the reason they still do wrong.
but do you believe in changing things from the inside?
I told you about that on my post I wrote at your request about my time in the GOP. That was us attempting on doing exactly that.
In some cases it can work. In some systems it becomes so corrupt and they close all doors adversaries could attempt to use, and at that point fighting from within doesn't really work.
That is how the two big parties in the U.S. are starting to be.
I am increasingly thinking the world is headed for some really dark times. I don't know what FORM those will come in, but I think we may need to focus on survival of ourselves, and our loved ones. If we focus on someone (even if it is generations from now) coming out into the light then that may be the best we can do.
That does not mean I will not keep fighting. I just don't see an obvious opening yet. An uncensored place like steemit, and uncensored blockchain governance have some possibilities, but I don't think the public is quite ready for that. Many of us are. I do not think the masses understand critical thinking and reason well enough to push responsibility onto them. Those type of people still outnumber the people like us.
There is also a huge difference in power over the government. The American President has much more possibilities than the German Chancellor.
Patriot Act = Ermächtigungsgesetz
Yep. Many(EDIT: I'm chaning this to SOME OF US) of us saw that when it was coming out. Like I said I've been interested in Germany for a long time. I first became interested when I was 6 years old, and then it was me just playing war games with toys that I made rules for. It only grew from there.
So yes I am aware of the rise of the National Socialist Workers party, the Reichstag fire, fall of the Weimar Republic, etc.
I see a lot of similar things happening in my country, and OTHER countries as well. It is becoming a global problem.
I had never any respect for Bernie, because he endorsed a criminal to become president of the united states. The same criminal that rigged an election against him.
I saw some Obamas first run campaign speeches lately. It was frightening. He actually sounded almost as revolutionary as Paul did (and still does ;) ). Considering he only made things worst, i wanted to start a list but its so much he promised and didnt do.
I actually think that there should be law. As a private person you can lie all you want, sure. But the fact that a leader of a country can just say anything he wants. I remember false information, that lead to the Iraq war. I know 'me, always with the violence', but I want people who do stuff like that to die. It is treason in the strongest possible way. Treason against the people.
Oh and most of Merkels opposition, namely the SPD, is constantly ranting about what an evil monster Trump is and that Merkel should have had stronger words towards Trump.
Merkels speech on Trumps presidency was very tame compared to others. You can check them on my channel ;) (with subs).
Well yes, that was the final straw.
I didn't particularly like him for the reasons I stated before that came to light.
I like what he says but he has no balls. He could have used all that anger inside the country to overthrow the establishment of the DNC during the election, but he did not. I do not understand how anybody can still believe in him. HIS PEOPLE KNOW HOW CORRUPT THE ESTABLISHMENT IS. Btw I heared Hillary runs 2020, I hope for us all that someone will stop her.
jesus, im angry now! :D
And yes no matter what a person does, you can't please everyone. It seems to be an impossibility.
Oh an I live in Colorado. We legalized Cannabis a couple of years ago. The sky has not fallen. Crime has not increased. My house went from being worth $160K to being worth $250K this year as property prices are increasing because more people are moving here. Taxes made off of Marijuana sells have been in the billions.
It has been positive. I do not use substances, and I don't even drink alcohol but I am an advocate for legalizing them all.