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RE: Why Climate change is a hoax

in #politics8 years ago

the problem about the article you linked: it shows data of the consensus. It does not explain how this consensus was reached.

My main reason for not trusting scientists and specifically the ones you linked when they are making prognoses:

  1. They have been wrong in the past (Ask Einstein what he thought about the American science culture)
  2. specifically the climate scientists make a living of climate being an important topic. There is a reason for them to be biased

The first sentences reads:

The consensus that humans are causing recent global warming is shared by 90%–100%

As an experienced reader of numbers I see two things in that statement:

  1. 10% of climate scientists do not agree. A significant number.
  2. Some method was used to say well maybe we can up to 100%.
  3. How can I trust any of the other data when it is obvious shady techniques were used to let the reader wonder: Is it 10% disagreeing or a very very unrealistic 0%