OK, the whole Asian continent will retaliate, Russia will jump to Asias aid and I hope that so will we.
Just do it! I can't wait to free the world from the American leech.
OK, the whole Asian continent will retaliate, Russia will jump to Asias aid and I hope that so will we.
Just do it! I can't wait to free the world from the American leech.
Guess you struck a nerve. Sry for getting so triggered, but you guys really should think about how even your "friends" are looking at your actions atm.
Haha okay edge lord.
The Asian continent will retaliate because a nuclear global hegemon isn't good for ANYONE. Someone who holds the world hostage to get what they want is a global threat. That's not a hard battle to pick a side on.
So you are also in favor of removing America as a world power? I knew Odin would be on my side :)
I think the nuclear weapons of a state that is currently invading and infiltrating countries all around the world is more dangerous than the ones of some asian micro-state.
You're right. Because a country that regularly pushes propaganda videos that depict San Francisco in nuclear flames is just some Asian micro-state. A non threat really.
We're not talking about the US here. I could dedicate my entire blog just on how badly the US wars have fucked up the world. BUT. Instead I'm writing on the only ACTUAL nuclear threat to the world we have. Currently, there is ONE nation threatening to begin a nuclear holocaust. That is what this post was about.
You are talking about the US again. They are the ones having a-bombs positioned in my country. NK would never attack us, while America planned to blow up Germany with nuclear weapons if the Red Army ever decided to make a move.
"Blowing up Germany was better than the commies invading all of Europe" is the same twisted way of thinking that you show when you say I just want to prevent a nuclear war by bombing NK.
Nobody is threatening to bomb Germany. That is absolutely preposterous. I have no idea where you're getting the idea that America is even mentioning bombing Germany.
I'm not saying a pre-emptive strike is the best choice. It might still be, but it wouldn't be my first option. I am saying that, at present, the only country pumping out state-sponsored propaganda videos depicting a burning sea of fire in the place of San Francisco happens to be ruled by the Kim regime, not the Trump administration.
So you want to bomb them because they made an edgy video? Freedom of speech much?
I was refering to the atomic demolition munition or nuclear mines "According to official accounts, the United States deployed ADMs overseas in Italy and West Germany (Fulda Gap) during the Cold War.[7][8][9] The most modern types (SADM and MADM) were deployed in South Korea." source
I also never heard of those ADMs leaving Germany after the Cold War.
Oh good God, this is the end of this argument. If you truly believe that North Korea is not a global, existential threat and that it is even comparable to France or the US in terms of a nuclear threat, you honestly cannot be persuaded.
oh and my position is not edgy at all. Being against invasiv wars and american imperialism is kind of common in the thinking community.
The clearly edge lord comment I was referring to.
Again, nothing in my post indicated I'm pro invasive war. But generally speaking, the thinking community also tends to be against nuclear war as well. Myself included.
Maybe edgy in the states, but common table talk everywhere else in the world ;)