James Clapper is currently all over Cable News again. Reminder that he lied under oath about NSA surveillance.

in #politics8 years ago

James Clapper is suddenly CNN's go-to-guy for expressing faux-outrage over 'unpresidential conduct'.

I'm just going to remind everyone that this piece of shit shamelessly lied to Congress regarding NSA surveillance on millions of Americans.

And yet this guy fills CNN's 'wise old establishment type' talking-head that is customarily reeled-out to bash Trump every time he says stupid shit.

I'm sure they can find someone with a more honest reputation. Literally anyone. O.J Simpson would be a less controversial bet.


It's really more unbelievable that the mainstream news thinks none of us remembers or has Youtube.

Most Americans do not know anything about the DNI office or why James Clapper matters to their life. The see a man in a suit who CNN tells them is important and they listen and feel smart because they watched the "news"

Yup. I turned off cable news a long time ago.