Very good blog for 'reality check' by James Howard Kunstler

in #politics8 years ago

I have been reading Kunstler's stuff for several years. He has a great way with words... he can make you chuckle while describing how totally screwed you are and how it's all going to get worse. Now that takes some skill with the pen!

His most recent piece has a healthcare vs GDP chart that I find interesting...


I'm seeing that it all changes in the late 60, early 70s, which coincidently are when the USA went off of the gold standard as well as enabled lobbyists to control our Congress (so-called Sunshine Act). Ignorance of game theory, bad assumptions, and ideological thinking lead to bad policy which results in almost completely rigged systems. Look at the current state of Venezuela and Argentina to see what this looks like. That's where we are now--or will be soon enough--and Kunstler is one of the best at laying it all out in an entertaining way. Tragicomedy may be our reward in the end. (link for above chart and write up)

The following YouTube highlights one of the most under-reported and under-appreciated policy decisions ever--and I think it is at the heart of why the above chart takes off when it does. The author of this Vlog James D'Angelo feels so strongly about it that he stopped his really awesome Bitcoin Blackboard series to work on doing something about it full time. Good for him and good for us!

If this makes sense to you please reSteemit and follow these guys and share their work. Our civilization isn't going to reverse these trends if everybody is sleepwalking.


We just need better leaders to make better decisions . Upvoted (:

Check out the 'Carboard Box Reform' video. Good leaders aren't enough if they can't vote smartly for their constituents knowing lobbyists are going to target them in the next election. That is what got us to the point where we must ask, who are the actual constituents... 'We The People', or those lobbyists working for deep pocketed interests?

Great post, I kep hearing so much about gold and Silver this month, Still I'm holding my steem :)

Whenever I really lose my ability to laugh at our situation and think all assets are circling the drain, I'll sell a bit of whatever crypto is doing really well and buy a bit of junk silver or gold coins.

Steem has been holding up really well lately--even when other cryptos are having a 'red day' like today. To me that suggests that cryptocurrencies that have really good use cases are the ones you want to hold. Steemit could become a massive social network success within a few years. Having a stake now is just smart.

Thank you for the enlightening post. What he says is the unfortunate truth.
It is better to not have one's head buried in the sand about these issues. Great post!