Listen, I understand completely what you are saying here, but I think there are huge differences in these groups that you list. You can't equate them all like that.
I agree completely with your sentiment in your third and fourth paragraphs, these are the exact things that can make a true difference.
I see people people being played for suckers, yes. But I also see that these people are individuals with their own set of convictions, and you or I can't possibly know how #woke they really are. After Trump was elected, "everybody woke up", but they didn't really, because that was an anti-establishment sentiment, and now the old establishment media are pretending to give a shit just to stay relevant. Hell even the democratic party is trying to walk the tight rope between staying relevant and appeasing their donors.
It's a mess in every corner, and everyone is trying to make sense of reality.
Right on, I agree with you that the old guard is def trying to hold on for dear life. And MSM is drowning in a cesspit of their own making, thank goodness.
See how you and I are having a decent conversation, talking about the problems that everyone faces as a whole? Why can't everyone do the same? I never met you personally, but we are having a civil conversation, and that should be the way forward for all.
War never solves any problems really. The only thing that happens is the rich get richer, and the poor do the dying.
Have a great night. :-)