WHAT! Donald Trump Does NOT Want To Be President

in #politics9 years ago (edited)

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Ted Johnson
4 days ago

Michael Moore: Donald Trump Doesn’t Really Want to Be President

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Michael Moore penned an essay for his website in which he claims that Donald Trump ran for office as a way to gain negotiating leverage over NBC, and after his presidential campaign became an unexpected success, he is now looking for a way out.

“Donald Trump never actually wanted to be President of the United States. I know this for a fact. I’m not going to say how I know it,” Moore wrote in an article posted to his site on Tuesday.

He also theorizes that Trump is sabotaging his own campaign.

“Maybe it’s all part of his new strategy to get the hell out of a race he never intended to see through to its end anyway,” he writes. “Because, unless he is just ‘crazy,’ the only explanation for the unusual ramping up, day after day, of one disgustingly reckless statement after another is that he’s doing it consciously (or subconsciously) so that he’ll have to bow out or blame ‘others’ for forcing him out.”

The motive behind Trump’s presidential bid, Moore wrote, was to get a better deal from NBC for hosting “Celebrity Apprentice.” Moore wrote that before Trump launched his campaign, he “had begun talking to other networks about moving his show. This was another way to get leverage — the fear of losing him to someone else — and when he ‘quietly’ met with the head of one of those networks, and word got around, his hand was strengthened. He knew then that it was time to play his Big Card. He decided to run for President.”

Instead, after launching his presidential bid, Trump quickly gained a following and was moving up in the polls. He recently officially accepted the Republican nomination for president.