Its a shitty picture especially because it basically says all of Asia is black people lol
Either way your side is getting slaughtered because you are a bunch of racist sexist vain fucks yourselves. To call him out for being a racist or saying its inherently wrong to be proud of your own race is RACIST TO BEGIN WITH.
This is why its always so difficult for you to come up with arguments. In order to have the stance you have right now you have to hold white males to a higher standard yourselves. That's why its so funny seeing this kind of reaction! You are basically butt hurt because the picture holds some truth. All you got to this is REEEEEEEEEE arguments because you are so vain you refuse to smell your own bullshit. HAHAHA
What truth does this photograph hold?
White people are fewer in number in the world. Its pretty well known actually.
hence why white supremacy is dumb, thanks for figuring out the special secret.
But your argument lacks principles. Being racist against one group, no matter what that group is, makes you a racist. So unless you begin applying this argument across the board then you have no leg to stand on.
What group am I being racist to by saying that white people aren't superior to other races?
Nobody has said that. The only thing shown in the picture is that there are fewer white people on earth. Which is objectively true.
At the same time if you consider anything Stephan has said as white supremacy you absolutely proving that you are holding white people to a higher standard than most other races. Hes never actually said anything that indicates white people as the superior race.
I just think you are a racist and you want to bandwagon with any excuse you can find.
For some reason I cannot respond to your other post so I am trying here. In regards to the tweets from Stephan.
That's not white supremacy. Do you even know what white supremacy is?
Simply saying that white people cannot have an advocacy group because of racism aimed at white people is not claiming dominance. Its claiming oppression.
You literally proved his point by posting this and claiming its white supremacy LOL
Anyone who is even slightly level headed can read these tweets and see he never claimed any form what so ever of white supremacy.
I think you are a racist actually. Its pretty obvious you are a very hateful person imo. You need to stop judging people by the color of the skin please. Its not going to make you look cool or smart. Can you please try and stop to understand your toxic behavior is damaging in so many ways.
Steemit is not letting me post lately so you will probably never see a response at this rate.
Being proud of a minority status is pride in the fact that you can exist as yourself in society without being oppressed.
White people do not have a history of that same oppression in this country. To be prideful of your heritage would be more better suited to specifically german, polish, irish, french, etc. if it would be to be logical. However, Stefan and other racist looney tunes just say "white" as a whole, which doesn't make any sense.
Whiteness as a concept is arbitrary and the main thing that Whiteness has done throughout history is be the oppressor.
Please take a history class or talk to more minorities.