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RE: What are your thoughts on Trump firing Comey?

in #politics8 years ago

Just watched it. Doesn't really change my mind - I don't understand what the presenter is talking about but it sounds like numerology which I also don't believe in.


It's all real bud. There is magic/powers in numbers and words. Do a search for a man named Jordan Maxwell. Give him a listen. I know it sounds batshit insane. But give it some thought!

Will do - I have some friends that are really into numerology I have to admit I am quite skeptical about it but I always try to keep an open mind.

An open mind is the best thing to have on the path to fully waking up! It's a good feeling!


Numerology, religion, and politics all in one comment thread, without a hint of sarcasm and no name-calling.

I just found the cure for reddit's cancer: incentivized comments.

(Also you guys are being entirely too polite for the internet.)

That is one of the best things about Steemit, people are generally nicer.