Open borders only work with Global government and a level economic playing field.
It's not possible to level the economic playing field across many and varied world governments... especially since most of the world's governments are corrupt beyond anything most regular Americans could possibly imagine.
Open borders flood the local sovereign nation's markets with foreign labor. This is not necessarily a bad thing as long as the host nation does not have high unemployment and/or a large pool of labor skilled in the area of target employment.
I'm an Electrical Engineer. I personally know many fellow Engineers who have been displaced by H1-B hires. Hard working, smart, productive employees... displaced and requested to train their foreign replacements.
What would say to these people? These fellow Americans who worked hard earning a degree and giving of themselves generously as loyal employees.. who have been displaced unnecessarily by foreign graduates of the same Colleges and Universities that the children of these now displaced American workers can no longer afford due to open borders and artificially increased enrollment?