When Women Control the Money Printer...

in #politics10 months ago


The national debt has exponentially exploded ever since women became involved in politics, which is no coincidence. Women have no sense of money and savings. They think money grows on trees and constantly buy new things they don't need. Their husbands must reign them in with common financial sense and frugality. Single women have no such recourse, however. And an increasing number of women are remaining single, especially professional women in positions of power.

Female politicians take the same "spend, spend, spend" mentality to government. They throw money around at problems thinking it can solve everything, having no sense where that money comes from or what they can and cannot afford.
The techno-capitalist machine wants more single women because they are the biggest consumers. Likewise the deep state wants more female politicians because they are the biggest spenders. They will gladly fork over massive amounts of money to lobbyists, banks, NGOs, crony corporations, and other special interest groups.

Sure, there was corruption before with male politicians, but that corruption was out of self-interest. Men would aid a special interest group if they got a piece. But female politicians don't even care about getting a piece--they are happy to spend frivolously "for the greater good."

However, women's sense of "the greater good" is warped (often by special interest groups) because they are driven more by emotion than reason. Women voting on emotion is bad enough, but when women control the money printer, it will bankrupt the entire civilization into collapse.