
Why even reply? The bot did not make any accusation, it just reported a similar link. If ignored this bot post would likely make no difference to your post and would not have derailed comments.

As an aside, removing even the slightest hint of accusatory language from the comment was something that I repeatedly encouraged the developer of the bot to do. There were several revisions before it reached its currently neutral (IMO) tone. So I agree with your take that reposting (including with copying a reasonable amount of descriptive language) is not itself abuse or misconduct.

How is linking back like that not helpful? I think your defensiveness made this into far more of an issue than it needed to be.

If no one complains about broken things or stupid ideas that chase normal people away, how would the project owner ever know? You saw my post, so it had a chance to have a positive effect. Unfortunately you chose to tell me I'm wrong for speaking up and call me defensive, even when it was posted in a joking manner. This is pretty much the standard response to any and all user feedback around here. Why do you think the complaints have gotten so numerous and sound so annoyed?

So I agree with your take that reposting (including with copying a reasonable amount of descriptive language) is not itself abuse or misconduct.

Great, then you should agree that if it cannot even detect and allow that, it is fundamentally broken.
It shouldn't bother people that just share the description with a video or picture. At All. That is what normal people call nagging. People don't like it. They will just leave if they cannot make it stop.

Take a second and step out of your bubble. Go find a person that is not a cryptonerd or developer, just a regular facebook\reddit type person. That is the target market. Have them post something, and when they get nagged immediately and receive no comments or votes, ask them what they think.

, then you should agree that if it cannot even detect and allow that, it is fundamentally broken.

No I disagree that posting a comment with a relevant link has anything to do with 'allow' or not.

Your original post was perfectly allowed.

The bot comment provided additional information, without negative consequences or judgment.

Nice way to refuse to discuss if it functions as expected.

Here is how the Better project views the cheetah nagbot messages.
It costs newbies votes.

We don't judge the quality of the contents, and we don't have man-power to detect plagiarism(But we will skip the posts that cheetah had commented)

There is a direct example of the public perception of "the nagbot post".
That is the problem I am pointing out. It can't be made any clearer.
You either give a shit or you don't.

Replying to your later comment about the Better project, I would disagree with their interpretation. Cheetah commenting does not imply plagiarism. I think the creator of the Cheetah bot would disagree with their using it in that manner as well, but ultimately it is up to the Better project to do what they would like. Maybe you should take up your complaint with them?

No. I'm done wasting time on this. You made it clear you don't care about the public perception or user experience.
This is why people keep leaving.

@smooth word.
I'll remember not to reply later when i post the announcement cause that cute bot might come after me as well.
btw left you a reminder in chat thank you.

EDIT : Thank you for getting back speedy quick.

Yet "out of your courtesy", I believe, you even forgot to mention in the text, that the second part of the description is not yours. Which is plagiarism, as simple as that.

So fing what? It's news.

You content monitors are chasing normal social media users away with this stupidity.

Everybody shares everything now, Twitter\Instagram\Youtube\articles\sounds\pics, the only problem is this site will not let you embed\link it properly like EVERYWHERE ELSE ON THE INTERNET.

But whatever, you just keep chasing the normals away to make yourself feel important, you wouldn't get along with them anyway...