On "pointless gestures" that are really Morale victories

in #politics8 years ago

On April 18th 1942 Lt. Col Doolittle lead the now famous "Doolittle's raid" on Japan. All but 16 B25s that participated in that raid were lost, 15 crashed in Japanese occupied China, and the other landed in Russia who didn't return the plane. Doolittle landed in a pile of manure, and he thought that that was just the beginning of the troubles that he would get from this raid. Doolittle thought that he would be court marshaled for his failure.

From a military point of view this was a minor bombing raid. A couple buildings, a hospital , an oil refinery, a ship had its construction delayed. But all the damage was easily repaired, and this was nothing compared to the B-52 firebombing that happened to Japan later on in the war. But on a morale point of view this was very very successful. This was the first time that Japan was bombed during the war. This was one of the first US victories against Japan, breaking the narrative that Japan was invincible. (Doolittle Raid Impact)

Japan's reaction in China shows that they were equal to if not worse then the nazi death camps The Untold Story of the Vengeful Japanese Attack After the Doolittle Raid.

Friday June 16, Laura Loomer, & Jack Posobiec interrupted an Assassination Porn production of Julius Ceasar at a tax payer funded theater in NY Central park. I was giddy watching the various periscopes of it happening.

Yes from one point of view this had little impact, just a little interruption to the fantasy of the crowd of leftists. I fully expect that their feeble amygdala, will not process that all those who assassinated Julius Caesar were later assassinated until it is too late for them.

On the other hand, this breaks the idea that liberal productions can run uninterrupted, but conservative productions can be shut down. For years anything that pushed the Overton window towards the conservative side was massively interrupted, sometimes with people blocking entrance to the building, other times fire alarms getting pulled, sometimes riots induced the cancellation.

Go look at Trump rallies, Milo's Campus Tours, I condemn the initiation of violence, and what Laura & Jack did was a non-violent protest at a show designed to incite violence in both the unstable, and the people with nothing else left to lose.


Great point about Caesar's killers being killed themselves Tinman. Thanks for the article. Nice job.

Thank you

Great points! "Pointless gestures" do have a point, to make a statement against the odds.

They become a symbol greater than their context. Everyone wants to "matter". In our current world scene, the big players strut their stuff and the minor players rarely have a chance.

Doolittle's seemingly pointless raid made a huge point!

Thank you, I understand the envy that people who have been working to enlarge their public profile have for Laura, because so many people had never heard of her before, but then she's the woman of the hour!

I think that Doolittle made it big afterwords because he had already put in the work that developed professional & proper habits that enabled him to build on that success.