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RE: Is It Time To Take Military Action Against North Korea?

in #politics8 years ago

My distrust of media does not stop with the BBC but instead extends to every major news organisation whether media or print. I too am open to being wrong and willing to change my opinion if evidence is forthcoming to prove me so but I feel , though I am not a researcher, I have seen enough evidence to support my case that all media, including social media and this very platform. is designed to misinform and misdirect attention from the true nature of the divide in our world and that is not between race, religion or culture but between those with true knowledge and those without.

Knowledge is the key to everything and in my humble opinion that is what has been occulted and obfuscated throughout history and what continues to be so today in order to maintain the system that has suited those in power for as long as they have been getting away with it.

I could go on but I won't. :)

Thanks for the reply.

Have a good one!