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RE: False Incoming Missile Alert Shakes the Hawaii Islands!

in #politics7 years ago

receiving a text message like this is really a no joke. Tsk! I really hate it when people spreads this kind of threat and this should be punishable by law.

In our country we always have the bomb scare issues may it be a hospital, public transpo and even schools at it is creating a chaos and uneasiness in them.

I do wish that it will stop. Spreading the false news 😥😤


I agree. Now the governor is saying an employee "Hit a wrong button.." Where are the fail safes and what's to stop others from hitting wrong buttons?

Hit the wrong button? That is a really lame excuse. The person who did that should have been fired and be take into court. He will never know how stress and anxiety he brought to the other people.

On the side note. I am glad that it is not true, happy that you are safe and sound.

If that in fact is what happened.