A friendly whale* just asked me: “What will happen when Julian Assange enters #Steemit?”

in #politics9 years ago (edited)

"That’s a good question!" was my first thought…Then concerns popped into my head:

  • Has Assange ever heard of Steemit? 
  • Are Steemit’s 25,000+ active users of import to Assange?

For sure, his notoriety would garner him $5000+ for an “introduceyourself” post, by my best estimates. But, is that a motivation for him?

As for the politics of it all, in all honesty, I have no feel for how a political figure would play on Steemit. One could just as easily ask: What if Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton entered Steemit?

Nevertheless, the whale’s question is: WHEN?!

It would be hilarious but soothing if he got a $0.00 reward like we laboring minnows are at home with.

I suppose I should put the question to the whales: “What will happen when Julian Assange enters #Steemit?”

*The whale’s identity is being withheld to protect the whale’s privacy.


Ill ask him irrelevant questions like "what's your favourite flavour of potato chips?'

??? Why would you do that?

always relevant@business is just being silly... because that question is

I would like the Obamas to join Steemit and I think that they are cool enough to soon be steemers.

I think yours is a reasonable wish. It would be an affable move on their part.

He would be very welcome of course. I expect some influental people from the Bitcoin space first. Names like Roger Ver for example.

James corbett is now on steem

I would care less. He's a limited hang out Dude. In my opinion he has never exposed anything, that truly informed people don't already know. I've always been suspicious of him. Who does he really work for?