The more reliance people put on the government, the more power over there own lives they give up. The problem with so many places, Poland included, is that they think government is the solution to problems. In some respects, this is very true. However, when you start sending all that power far from your hometown, the people getting the power and money don't really give a shit about your small town. To make matters worse, Poland goes deeper in debt and pisses in everybody's Cheerios (Germany's, Russia's, Ukraine's, etc.).
The more reliance people put on the government, the more power over there own lives they give up. The problem with so many places, Poland included, is that they think government is the solution to problems. In some respects, this is very true. However, when you start sending all that power far from your hometown, the people getting the power and money don't really give a shit about your small town. To make matters worse, Poland goes deeper in debt and pisses in everybody's Cheerios (Germany's, Russia's, Ukraine's, etc.).