Ford Foundation:"Brown Is The New White"

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

"The Kalergi Plan developed by the Richard Coudenhove Kalergi who is the Zionist godfather of the European Union envisions a world where racemixing is the norm and where the white race within Europe eventually disappears through forced & strategic mass migration."~TSR Editor

Henry F1ord (who was known for writing about the "International Jew" in the Dearborn Independent Newspaper) would be gasping in horror in his grave upon seeing what the Ford Foundation has become and the type of propaganda it spreads.

Let's make this crystal clear for anyone reading this that if someone tried to replace the Native Black population in countries with foreign whites, it would just be as much a problem as what they are currently attempting to do which is to slowly replace Native Whites with foreign Blacks.

Video Source: Ford Foundation