"The French people have become increasingly desperate to find a political savior who will improve the economy and initiate immigration reforms yet they were told by the Political Establishment to choose between Psuedo Nationalist Marine Le Pen or Rothschild puppet Emmanuel Macron.For the French people to ever have a taste of actual economic freedom they would have to leave the European Union and also avoid getting involved with Russia.Neither the technocrats in the European Union nor the Oligarchs in Russia care about the French people hence they need to start promoting a culture of self reliance and avoid taking a cure that could prove a lot worse than the disease."~TSR Editor
According to a recent poll by the Huffington Post reveals that the approval rating of French President Macron has been on a steady decline after the recent scandal where a video of his security chief beating up two protesters emerged online causing outrage to spread nationwide.
His approval rating dropped to 27% while his disapproval rating jumped to 62% indicating that even some his hardcore Left Wing supporters whose support allowed him to defeat Le Pen,are no longer supporting him.
The French people are increasingly unsatisfied with their government but only a few truly understands how their economy has been destroyed by Neoliberalism and Globalist policies by the supranational entities which preside over them.
Emmanuel Macron is merely a symptom of the economic disease that France has.
Useful idiots on the Zionist Right Wing in France would continue to say that "Le Pen would have been better" and would blame the entirety of economic failures within France on migrants.