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RE: Who This Anarchist Will Vote For In 2020 (and why an anarchist will vote)

in #politics7 years ago

I do follow him closely, I'm one of his fans for many years and I believe that what he is doing is good and noble. He is one of the reasons why I'm a hard line voluntaryist. Now, that being said, I do support him in his efforts in terms of spreading the message of liberty and freedom but I have to stop at politics. That is the line in the sand that I must draw. That is why I'm focused on being financially independent so that I can spread voluntaryism and freedom full time. I have to triple my income to justify quitting my job. Will I vote, I don't know, it is going to take a lot of self-reflection.


Sorry for the delay response, I had to step away from it and respond later before I write something and regret later.

LOL! I resemble that remark many days!