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RE: The hard truths of heroin

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

It becomes even worse: There is a herb called "Kratom" which is NOT an opiate but is a major help for withdraw from that stuff. It reduces withdraw symptoms to almost zero without a strong potential of become addicted.
tenth of thousands addicts use it to get rid of heroin of those pills.
Guess what...
Yes: Big Pharma runs mad. They try everything to ban this stuff which is not easy since it is a relative to the coffee plant.
There is a real war going on and it looks like it became a world wide one. In most European cities this stuff fortunately is not watch and it was easy to import some kilogram from Indonesia where most of it is grown.
This stuff literally saves lives and big-pharma see vanish their profits....

I guess OP knows what I am talking about. All others google "kratom"