
Not a question of age, i turn 50 next year and have my third day in Australia today after giving away, selling, unwinding everything i had. It can not work in Germany and therefore Europe. I do not dislike refugees at all and had wonderful people pick up stuff i gave away, We need a complete different policy and help people in their country. German arrogance looking to "integrate" people means we are "taking" the ones who are needed to rebuild or strengthen their country. We weaken them even more. Merkel, Obama, Hollande and other weapon dealers must be arrested and punished so the crawlers around them are scared… Will not happen until t is to late. I had to leave with a heavy heart because i do not want to be when the big call comes from the extremists to slaughter as many "non-believers" as they can and then watch when the majority of muslems come and show that they always hated us, They are not as dumb as we think, they know Merkel and the henchmen deliver weapons to bomb their country.