Has the world reached saturation point politically

in #politics9 years ago

By saturation point i mean where millions if not billions of people begin to see the heavily layered corruption within all levels of power

I mean - seriously - what't it going to take to bring the system of corruption to account and restore human values back into a politcal system that has become so corrupted that its become a corporation - insanity it seems, prevails

I am now of an age where i can see that more and more people - young and old are waking up to the exploitive, dominating and controlling corruptive system of Governments  that many of us radical olides have been warning about for decades - only now it seems has the system become so big and so corrupted that every one is beginning to see it - it can't be hidden any more

There isn't one county that is not touched by the Austerity or military might of global politics affecting millions

The UN is an impotent organ unable to bring justice to the people

There is more homelessness in first world countries - more poverty and failing health both mental and spiritual - is this a measure of a healthy economy - I think not - its a testiomony to a failed system that people every where are beginning to see

My question though is this

whats it going to take to bring this system to account - to stop its rampagae against all life on this planet

I can see that so many people - both young and old are feeling  disconnected and dis empowered with the system ever before in my long life and thats globally not nationally

whats going to happen - what thing - and usually its a little nothing sort of a thing - will trigger a change and uproar of public outrage to such a degree that justice comes to the people and things begin to change

Can change even happen in this higly controled and over dominated age of EMPIRE

With the rise of the internet and social media people every where now have access to information before main stream media - or even politicians can frame their cover story - this has never happened before

will the internet and places like Steem be places where 'new'  opportunities and ways of being can be experienced  without  manipulative government controls - sharing the wealth for instance

Steem isn't the first - TSU is also doing this

One thing is for certain - change is the only constant - the voting charade just revels the illusion of choice - there  really isn't one - but the illusion works for millions

How do you see this playing out politcally - globally - when people en mass begin to loose faith - trust - hope in their systems of govt - their politicians - its never happened with this many people before - or has it - is this what history has been trying to tell us with its bloodied trial of dead broken bodies of endless wars for conquest - are we simply still watching this play out - who reads history anymore?  How do we learn from the lessons of  the past - are there any ?

whats it gonna take for this system to change - can it - will it