EVIDENCE: is ISIS / ISIL an elaborate proxy (fake / false flag) army acting more for american/israeli government interests?

in #politics8 years ago

mention the words 'false flag' to many and you will often get no recognition, or sometimes just a sense of ridicule coming from them - yet false flag events have been used, as a matter of fact, for a very long time on earth. the point of a false flag attack is for a government/leader to use their own army to carry out an attack somewhere and make it look as if the attack was carried out by someone else. this deception allows the aggressor to make any number of false claims about the others in the scenario and come out looking like a hero - all while actually being the evil doer. history has many false flag events which are accepted historic fact, one of which being the israeli attack on the USS liberty, which was intended to be blamed on the egyptian government for political / strategic purposes. this is an interview with a survivor of the attack:

other examples of false flag attacks can be found in world war 2, the gulf of tonkin event that helped initiate the vietnam war and very likely also the events of 911 in america and many others besides.

could a false flag attack become an entire false flag war?

well, not exactly - but it is certainly the case that american governments (and those from other nations) have repeatedly and provably used people as 'proxy' armies to fight their wars for them. the modus operandi is often the same: violent events are deliberately created in a region to destabilise it and then local people are paid and trained to fight a war against whoever the instigator wants to be attacked - creating a facade of respectability around the events and also a political balance at home, since few or no soldiers from the aggressor's nation are harmed.

what evidence exists that ISIS / ISIL is a false flag / proxy army?

many have noticed how the us military appeared to do very little to fight ISIL, while claiming to be doing everything possible. it was only when russian military got involved that there were reports of significant shifts in ISIL's claims to land. in any case, both america and russia have been accused of targetting 'the wrong' people, deliberately and neither could be said to be acting fully within integrity. another point is that ISIL has rarely if ever done anything to point their weapons at israel - despite it appearing on the surface that israel would be a prime target of theirs. could it be that the similarity between the names of the israeli secret service and ISIL is not an accident?

far more damning though, than this apparent 'chance' similarity is the wealth of whistleblower and video evidence from recent times, that allege to show fake 'executions' by ISIS / ISIL - carried out in western looking studios in front of greenscreens by actors:

... through to serious testimony from a US military whistleblower who claims to have been imprisoned as he attempted to expose US military crimes and who states that the CIA funds ISIS directly via swiss banks:

at the very least we need to seriously question EVERYTHING regarding the origins and agenda of ISIS/ ISIL... all of our survival is at stake.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS TOPIC, YOU CAN USE THE ISIS KATALIST AT UREKA - HERE: https://www.ureka.org/katalists/view/19341/contradictory-evidence-regarding-isis-isil-daesh


Syria is all about a LNG pipeline that Qatar wants to build, but lost due to Syria's preference to the pipeline Iran wants to build (either one would have to go through Syria). So, what did Hillary Clinton do? (Her backers want the Qatar pipeline) She all of a sudden called for government regime change in Syria. That is why the US is there. If they take out the current Syrian Government, they can then kill the Iran pipeline deal and do the Qatar deal instead. It's all about money & business interests. Freedom of the Syrian people has nothing to do with it

these events always have multiple agendas twisted into them.. natural resources are certainly one of them that often pops up. the thread that connects them is the personal empowerment of the various secret society entities that direct the activity. in my experience, it is a very complex topic and there is always a new depth to it to be found somewhere.