George Soros - Stereotypical Psychopath?

in #politics7 years ago

This video shows an interview which was at one time hard to find and was being removed from the web as fast as it was being uploaded. In it, George Soros, multi Billionaire, responsible for collapsing world currencies and even governments due to his trading and actions, states that he enjoyed his time helping the Nazis while he pretended not to be from a Jewish family.

His father bribed various people to ensure he was protected from the Nazis and he ended up actually being drafted in to help the Nazis steal everything from the Jewish people and ship them off to the infamous slave labor camps.

George acknowledges the evil involved, but for some reason remains in denial of his own involvement with it and smiles while saying "well, if I didnt do it, someone else would have" and compares the action to 'market forces' as if there is such a demand for Jews to be abused that everyone should just jump in and 'invest' in the 'business' to make the most of it!

I can imagine that being in that position as a 14 year old would be very traumatic for most people, but George Soros seems to have experienced it as being something more akin to a tropical cruise around Europe. He reminds me of some of the imperialists who enslaved the rest of the world and who viewed their position in society as justifying their abuse of everyone else!

▶️ DTube

All very text book psychopath.
Of course he denies that he did any wrong, because to him, that was another person who did it.
You get the same story from serial killers in prison.
They will tell you all about it with no remorse, just like as if someone else did it.

George Soros is a Member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta ( SMOM ), or Knights of Malta in Short. This is a Very Old VATICAN Knighthood that even is its Own Nation, and Issues its Own Diplomatic Passports. Dynasty Founder Mayer Amschel Rothschild was Already a Knight of Malta, and so was David Rockefeller. So these People have a Degree of Power, but they SERVE the 1500 year old Mother of Harlots System. Do your Own Research, God bless.

I think about this interview whenever some people try to protect Soros.

"well, if I didnt do it, someone else would have" Sounds odd but I guess a lot of people would say the same thing to calm themselves and to get the burden off their shoulders.

But the problem is that this man was not affected AT ALL by what happened. That's a red flag. Not normal. What's even worse is how he laughs it off when the interviewer asks him about it. I saw a body language reading video about this specific interview but sadly I can't find it now. Anyways, the video's creator said how visible it is that when other people would show emotions, he just doesn't know what to do.

Lots of years passed since this interview, and this man hasn't stopped "working". What's crazy is that whatever big(and mostly bad) news I hear, somehow his name comes up.

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I had never heard of him before this.

This video has reminded me of George Soros, the notorious man. Denying his involvement isn't important,we all know him. His quote, "well,if I didn't do it,someone else would have" shows the type of world we live in. It's obvious that ,"someone will be there to do evil,but it doesn't have to be you". Nice post @ura-soul

I made an article criticizing your post. I don't expect you to check it out, just wanted to let you know in a good manner.

The specific deals made by Soros across his long career are not all publicly known, but his Modus Operandi and psychopathic traits are quite well known. While he could not be held entirely responsible for problems experienced by financial systems set up and configured by other heartless beings - at the same time he, by his own admission, was not making trades with the intention of respecting the needs of national populations - rather he simply thought of himself and had no thought for the consequences. His stance appears to be something like "If I am able to have more financial power than governments then it is ok for me to use it on a national level." - That may be true in a pure 'capitalist' sense, but the reality is that this means that he was able to act to affect millions of lives without them having any say in it. Now, I fully recognise that those people have responsibility for participating in a system that robs them of their own power on a daily basis, but that does not mean I will simply stay quiet about George Soros' past actions.

As far as your comments about Jews go - having listened to many hours of recordings made from all different kinds of survivors at the end of WW2, it is clear to me that the majority only acted out of fear for their lives as the Germans gradually pressured them more and more and become more and more brutal. Saying that jews willingly got on cattle trains is like saying that cattle willingly get on cattle trains - if they were really free they would be nowhere near the trains, but in the face of a militarised regime, what choices did they have?

"If I am able to have more financial power than governments then it is ok for me to use it on a national level."- that is what average people would do if they had nuts. I am not saying Soros is good, I am saying average is bad, and that it is always so easy to find a scape goat. Living in Finland, I have so many times seen that blaming of these or those guys from socialists when their system does not work and collapses. Nazi-germany, Soviet-union, Cuba, Venezuela, and plenty more complained/complaint about something external ruining their plans.

"it is clear to me that the majority only acted out of fear for their lives", yes, their own lifes. Truth is that those yews had just isolated them selfs from reality with their small communities and families. When nazis started to "clear" these communities, other yews where just sitting in their homes, hoping that they would just be ignored by nazies. They didn't truly give a damn about others. That is why I am anti-individualistic, as it puts too much value into your own life.

I am not against publishing these kinds of videos, not at all. I find them intresting and it is good that someone shares them, I was just criticizing your statements.

that is what average people would do if they had nuts.

acting on a national level, as an individual, means that you are inserting yourself into a huge number of people's lives without their agreement or contract. it's accurate to say that governments do this too and that is a huge problem in and of itself, however, by your logic people 'with nuts' will have no problem with stalking individuals and families and investing time and resources into effecting their lives on a personal level in which ever way is chosen because 'those with nuts know best'. There is an issue of free will here that is being completely denied in your logic.

While average might typically resolve to 'underpowered' and 'unenlightened' it is also unavoidable in some senses, yet also simultaneously not exactly a real thing. In reality everyone is unique, even those who appear quite similar.

it is always so easy to find a scape goat

I am not blaming George Soros for the world's problems. Everyone has responsibility. I am simply pointing out psychopathic patterns and their apparent presence in someone with significant ability to affect reality for millions of people.

Nazi-germany, Soviet-union, Cuba, Venezuela, and plenty more complained/complaint about something external ruining their plans.

Obviously all of these cases are unique and the topic is highly complex, however, it is fair to say that while all these groups were dysfunctional in significant ways, they did also all experience heavy manipulation from outside. It's fine to point out the failings of systems, but to do so while denying the involvement of the agents of 'competing' systems is dishonest.

That is why I am anti-individualistic, as it puts too much value into your own life.

Without individuals there is nothing at all that we can recognise as manifest life. As with all things a balance is needed and in this case, the balance point between individual will and the needs of the collective of individuals must be found.