Aloha! I think that demonstrating is also a poor use of energy. Fundamentally, governments are based on the lie that someone can delegate a right to someone else that they themselves don't have! The idea that I can pick someone to ruler over other people that I myself cannot rule over, is simply false and is the basis for the majority of human suffering. Demonstrating and petitioning is all still based on not addressing this fundamental error and so will never really solve anything. The system is designed to not give us an 'ejector seat' to use in case the system becomes really tyrannical. All we have is violent revolution really - which is why they go to to such great lengths to weaken the population and demonise anyone who speaks out as being akin to a 'terrorist'. It's all evil.
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its true also..
my money is on.. WHISTLEBLOWERS>>
i believe that is about the best way for us to all remove the veil and just bypass denial.. sort of.. well sometimes..
ive noticed more of them happening lately though.. and hope maybe one day..we can have mass whistleblowing day! that would be something can u imagine if everyone told their secret!!
Yes, that's part of why I created the Whistleblower series on Steem/Hive. However, I've noticed more and more that it's only a small percentage of people who ever even begin to look into all of this and it is generally people over 35/40. A lot of people under 30 are totally bought into the false narratives and are also egoic and cocky to the point that they won't even look at dissenting messages. We need whistleblowers, people who know how denial and psychology work, people who are willing to amplify the messages and people who are dedicated to putting all the pieces together. We need to heal, balance and evolve just as much as we need to gain access to hidden truths!
yes, it takes time.. seems like a lot of time from our short existence.. but.. perhaps quickly in the grand scheme of things..
im surprised to hear the younger folk are bought into this.. with the advent of youtube and internet.. very strange!