Es wird eng - wer denkt, dass Europa durch Militärausgaben eine Chance gegen USA hat hmmm, wer in Deutschland glaubt, dass Militärausgaben wichtiger als Investitionen in Infrastruktur sind - hmmmm - was meint ihr denn?
Mentioned I hate LinkedIn becoming a politics only platform
I even posted there about this - and I hate to talk politics on LinkedIn, I hate to talk politics in general.
However I drive several music communities on various platforms since ages (Hive / Steemit was just a follow-up) I felt this song by Genesis showcases / mirrors a bit the current situation in the world - the song is old (1996) but even almost 30 years ago we had a topic comparable to our recent situation.
European Union - not that strong especially without the Brits
Fingers crossed no one hits this button!
These days is was Ronald Reagan who found a solution - the rest of the world was in fear but they (not saying him) solved massive potential war things. The result was end of cold war, a re-united Germany, Soviet Union became free - but now all changed, got worse - we got back into our past.
Not saying EU (European Union) is a role model - this system suffers per definition from the fact too many own country interests, different cultures forced into one system, totally different opinions what life and business should be, many different languages. But now since Trump showed his plan (even working aside Putin) even these countries try (at least) to unite to fight against the other bigger powers of the world.
Is Europe strong enough?
Just a question to people more into this topic - I doubt we stand a chance between US and China - Russia is a side note but dominates all politics these days. A potential war in Europe dirven by Putin could happen, but I doubt - as Putin is smart enough to not attack Germany, France and the UK - even weak military wise he would not win.
Not saying what i think about the new potential German government and its billions of new investment plans - pretty sure they fail - I prefer billions (or a bit less) to finally work and improve our infrastructure that is bad since over 20 years - I do not want war.
~~~ embed:politik/comments/1jjddt4/eu_gegen_usa_deutschland_und_alle_bauen_militär/ reddit metadata:fHBvbGl0aWt8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL3BvbGl0aWsvY29tbWVudHMvMWpqZGR0NC9ldV9nZWdlbl91c2FfZGV1dHNjaGxhbmRfdW5kX2FsbGVfYmF1ZW5fbWlsaXTDpHIvfA== ~~~
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Ihr habt bald einen komplett Wahnsinnigen als BK, was kann da schon schiefgehen...
Wem sagst Du das - der Typ hat noch mehr losgelassen wie ich jemals dachte - ich hasse die Grünen schon immer und den linken Rotz, aber was der abzieht geht gar nicht und selbst Söder hat fertig - warum soll ich noch was wählen in dem Land :-)?
Hör auf, sonst werd ich auf LI noch schreiben was für kranke Arschlöcher wir hier haben
Ganz aktuell bzw. gerade gefunden.
Naja, dass die noch im Amt ist und nicht schon längst abgesetzt, sagt schon alles über diese Verbrecher-Junta aus.
Fotzenfritz ist nicht Wahnsinnig, sondern ein gewiefter "Politiker".
Der Song ist vom 6. Juni 1986 :-) Habs gerade nochmal gegoogelt weil ich ein bisschen verwundert war.
Investitionen in die Infrastruktur wären wichtiger und sinnvoller. Das Geld verdampft im Rüstungsapparat wie ein Tropfen auf den heissen Stein.
Stimmt - 1986 :-)
To me it seems that EU is pretty strong economically and not that far behind USA:

Military wise I am not so sure about EU, what is the size of your total armed forces? Ukraine is right now around 800k and Russia at 1.3 Million men most of whom are fighting Ukraine right now...
economy as a whole maybe - military is not existing anymore sind the early 90ies - at least in Germany
Ist ein schwieriges Thema... am Ende hoffe ich einfach, dass die Kriege in der Welt nicht eskalieren bzw. sich ausweiten. Auch wenn die Nachrichten aktuell eher anderes vermuten lassen, zumindest nehme ich das so wahr.
Wir Menschen sollten uns eigentlich auf andere Dinge fokussieren, anstatt uns gegenseitig aufzureiben, aber das ist vermutlich eine ziemlich naive Weltvorstellung.
ich hoffe das gleiche
In America, there is an undercurrent of resentment in some groups toward NATO and the EU. The US spends a lot of money on them, and is expected to risk open nuclear war with Russia, for the sake of Europeans who are never grateful no matter what.
Of course, it's not like the US has a spotless record on international affairs, but is Europe really strong enough? I think so. The fact is, if you need the US to prop up your defense when the US spends more on its military than the entire Russian GDP, something is off.
Putin knows attacking Poland, Germany, etc. would unleash hell. And he can't even conquer Ukraine.
@uwelang, you're rewarding 5 replies from this discussion thread.