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RE: Amazon Deleting 1-Star Reviews Of Hillary Clinton's Book In Seemingly Unrecognized Irony - "It’s not our role to decide what a customer would view as helpful or unhelpful in making their decision."

in #politics7 years ago

Well, I certainly agree that Bezos didn't make WaPo any worse. I don't think it's better, though, and that has dragged Bezos down in my estimation, because he could have dragged it up, and seems to not have done that.

I am not hating on making grocery a more competitive industry with my tongue in cheek comment, but it's an industry with already thin margins, and Amazon's entry has indeed startled the sector.

Bringing prices down on organic food is good, IMHO.

Really, my point was... invalid. You're right. Amazon did play better with others than Gargel, et al., and I'll shut up now.


"Really, my point was... invalid. You're right. Amazon did play better with others than Gargel, et al., and I'll shut up now."

Heh, I knew you were being a bit tongue-in-cheek. I still felt compelled to point-by point!