You're quite right, but there are also other reasons that somewhere between 20M and 40M or so illegal immigrants have entered the country by corrupt machinations of the Democrats. The outrageous financial resources that have lured many of these migrants here come at the expense of everyone that pays taxes, and are tagged brightly with Democrat propaganda, which is a sleazy political fraud perpetuated against the entire civilian American population. The Dems could have fought for rational legal immigration policies, but that would not have had the same collusive impact on the voting of the illegals - and they do vote.
I do not oppose immigration, and have worked with many people I am sure in retrospect were not in the country legally that I respected as hard workers, honest family men, and folks that hewed to a sound code of conduct I believe benefited America. These are good people that are being milked like cattle for political power, and I deeply disapprove of that abuse. Further, because of the abuse of public benefit programs, abuse of immigration itself, by keeping it illegal yet facile, and complete abstention of oversight, there are many criminals, in fact, gangs of criminals, that get here and victimize the population. It's not hard to see why that encourages and sustains racism, and that is a deliberate effect fostered by the Dems pushing illegal immigration instead of promoting rational immigration policies and working to counter racism forthrightly.