Sadly, by considering economics at all when considering being human, you are falling prey to the psyop of every profiteering endeavor. Society is far more than an economy, and if you but spend a moment in consideration you will note that the largest and best families aren't particularly invested in currency.
My point being that you are allowing money to blind you to the real wealth family is to people. I hope you can see further and better than I, who have but three sons to my credit.
In hindsight, I wish I had started my family(s) much earlier in life, rather than waiting until I was in my 30s.
You misunderstand me. Money isn't my main objective; it's time. Being independent mean that no one can take that time from me. I want to use that time to spend with my loved ones. Because time is a resource I will never get back. I have no intention of becoming the man in the gray flannel suit.
I want to believe you. Really I do. But I feel that your perspective would fit better in an earlier time. It's 2018 and we are dealing with unstoppable forces that encroaches upon our nature as humans. In order to preserve that nature, many of us will have to make difficult choices. Mine is simple; If the numbers (money + time) don't add up, then I won't have a family.
Thanks a lot for your input
I noted that I traded my money for time with my family. What I meant by this was that I just didn't leave to earn, and instead stayed and helped my family learn.
You can create necessary time with family, or you can do other things. Since you're presently doing other things, you are not spending time with your family.
This is the bare fact.
You will do you. I pray you are always pleased with the results. Fortunately for me, I lived to regret a great deal of foolishness, and have thereby learned some small bit of wisdom. It is what I most regret that I am happiest to have learned from today.
You do not need money to have time. Time isn't money.
You will do you, and I pray you are happy in the coming days with what you do today. If you want kids, the longer you have to spend as their parent, the more you will have to rejoice about. If money is not what you seek, but time with your family, it makes no sense to wait to have a family until you have more money. You are spending that time you could be spending on your family on money.