Let's talk a little about Venezuela and current events. / Hablemos un poco de Venezuela y los eventos actuales.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Hello everybody, Vancry here... I'm not really into mood today. An Assembly, the "Asamblea Nacional Constituyente" in spanish, was anounced and aproved (illegaly, by cheating) on Venezuela by our illegitimate president, Nicolás Maduro. This Assembly bases on the art. #347 which states:

"El pueblo de Venezuela es el depositario del poder constituyente originario. En ejercicio de dicho poder, puede convocar una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente con el objeto de transformar el Estado, crear un nuevo ordenamiento jurídico y redactar una nueva Constitución".

This, for those who don't speak spanish, basically means that the president proposes a constitution and the civilians have the rights and power to vote and accept a political structure with the capability to change or transform the current State in Venezuela and create a new constitution. Now, some people say that this is a "Hit" from the government to the National Assembly elected by the people, but more on that later.

This Assembly, suposedly, would amplify our economy with a post-oil economic system; reafirm justice, gain peace and isolate the violents; create a new culture; treat the younger social, educative and cultural rights; and also treat the global warming, climate changes and human's survival... sure why not.

It is said that this Assembly will be formed by 500 members and it would be elected by the people. From the 500 members, 200 to 250 would be elected by the working-class, and the rest would be elected by direct and secret voting in a centraliced and controlled enviroment.

Now, with all that said, this should be a good thing, right? I mean come on, it has Global Warming in it!

Well, when you read between the lines and see what kind of people are going to vote, the real meaning to this constitution comes afloat. The government is desperately trying to disolve all trace of democracy and the Republic by tricking the people into something that will only make the economy and the everyday-life crysis and insecurity get worse and worse by letting the actual government do whatever they want, doesn't matter how bad it is or how it will damage this beautiful country, and it enrages me. It isn't even for something greater like using our resources to benefit other countries while we drown in a pool of missery, which is pretty bad too, but they only want power, money, and a free-pass to do all kind of illegal things you can think of... maybe even more than that actually.

We're basically f***ed now because the people that voted for this Constitution didn't took the time to really think what they were doing probably thinking to themselves "we have to win this fight even if it kills us", even if it wasn't a fight at the start, even if it didn't make any logical sense, they voted. And they voted for the destruction of Venezuela...

The results have been said, the Constitution is approved. A dictatorship is to come pretty soon now and I don't have any money to escape. Nor do I have a carreer title as to... do whatever outside my country. Steemit is all I have now.

But I aint giving up just yet. My hope is on USA's and France's words. They said they would help us. And in the meantime, we fight from the inside. We fight until our legs can't stand anymore. Until our arms can't throw any more rocks or hold our flag anymore. Until we die, we fight. Because it is what we must do.

This government has to fall. Even if it's this year, next year or in 20 years. We must hang in there.

Upvote, resteem, comment. Help me spread the word. Venezuela must not die. Freedom must live.



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