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RE: Social-Democracy is Socialism, and this is Socialism!

in #politics7 years ago

I think it is very bold to say that it has improved the quality of life of workers, the nationalization and centralized planning has been the misfortune of each country that has implemented it, in fact, the countries that have the highest quality of life, are where it exists. more legal security of private property, and those that appear better positioned in the index of economic freedom.


you forgot one thing though, imperialism. Third world countries are capitalist too, and they are poor because capitalism. Capitalism can not function without imperialism.

The vast majority of African governments are Socialists, as they are in Latin America.

socialism is worker control of the means of production, what you are thinking of is called "welfare capitalism". (which is often needed to prevent socialism actually, funnily enough)

Welfare capitalism occurs in Europe, in the case of Africa and Latin America it is different, because what exists are socialist politicians, as in Europe, but who have an economy that could be called "State Capitalism".

Asia has done well with capitalism. There is Singapore, HK, Macau, Taiwan, Malaysia, Dubai, Rest of UAE, Qatar, Israel.
BTW you are wasting time. Never argue with a socialist. You might as well argue with a SS (National Socialist)

also communism does not need centralised planning (although things like project cybersyn have shown that it is better than capitalism in every way.)

Allende made a disaster in Chile, luckily the future economic policies of Pinochet saved from the economic disaster, the scarcity and poverty that Allende caused in Chile.


same situation as in other "socialist" countries, they made the mistake of allowing the capitalists to keep power. These capitalists destroyed the economy by doing things like paying truckers to stop moving supplies. The capitalists did this to stop socialism, it is not a result of socialism itself lmao

As I said to another user, this video is full of inaccuracies and false information.

chile was actually amazing because they were able to move 70% of the needed supplies with something like 30% of the normal amount of truckers, beating out capitalism completely.

(remember, the literal day after pinochet came to power food was back in the stores, he must simply be that good right?)

No, in fact, Pinochet started very badly, and the recovery was somewhat slow, but in the long term the economic measures he took after the arrival of the Chicago Boys were positive.