there´s is nothing inherent to socialism that makes it more prone to that particular crime.
I repeat what I said earlier, I know that socialism theoretically does not support the narco-trafficker, I am aware of them, what I established in the post is a link between Latin American socialist governments and drug trafficking, I noted that it does not talk about the USSR or about East Europe, or China.
The Truman administration (and by that I mean the executive, State Department and such, those who surround the President) was, according to him, ALL Wall Street bankers and lawyers.
Wall Street, the bankers, the IMF, the World Bank, the European Union, etc, etc., are not capitalist organizations, only anti-capitalist people believe that these organizations are capitalist. These are organizations of the so-called "Crony Capitalism", which is merely mercantilism, without true market freedom.
capitalism itself depends wholly on a State that can guarantee certain rights and conditions.
There you desscribe to mercantilism, not to capitalism, because the latter does not depend on the existence of any state, it depends exactly that the state does not interfere. All the military interventions that you raised are not typical of capitalism, which promotes non-intervention, but rather are actions precisely of anti-capitalist people who seek to increase their power, either through military interference, or by the internal increase of the State.
You can argue that charismatic politicians (like Obama) obtain power through that and cunning, but who pays the piper? someone behind the curtain with a lot of money, like Wall Street.
Exactly, but the powerful do not care at all about money, to people with little power like Obama (before becoming president) yes, because they need funding to carry out presidential campaigns.
There is no institutionalized racism because there are simply a lot of Jews with power in the United States, and foreign policy supports Israel a lot. If there is one thing that all the racist groups have, from the KKK to the Nazis, it is that they are deeply anti-Jewish, and this is not a facade.
What's exactly "Cultural Marxism"?
Cultural Marxism is not critical to the West, cultural Marxism is the people who proclaim all socialist guidelines, but without declaring themselves socialists, such as economic egalitarianism, redistribution or greater public spending.
THEY are rightists, they (the deep state) fought communist everywhere just like they fight "Russian Hackers" and "Islamic terrorists" today, which doesn't mean there aren't real hackers or terrorists or that they aren't been persued by someone... Many times they create the threat themselves.
Ding Ding Ding! you hit the nail. If you think that the Russian hackers and the Islamic state are just a facade, it makes you think that the communists did not, after all, both fought together against the Nazis. If we pursue money and power we see how many bankers played on both sides, both East and West. They are not "rightists" at all, they are a f#cking damn elite, who does not care about ideology or sides, that is for those below, they just like the kings and aristocracies of the past just want to maintain power.