Understanding a Marxist-leftist brain

in #politics7 years ago

A few days ago I made a publication about how victimhood is the form of modern mental slavery, the prison in which men enter voluntarily and chain their hands and then blame others. But what I did not explain, and what I think is very important, is the reason for this behavior, the meaning by which these people voluntarily choose to enter the darkness of the dungeons.

Jordan B. Peterson, doing a psychological analysis on the nihilists, said that they prefer to live a depressing life in which nothing has value, with the benefit of living a life without responsibilities. Words more, words less.

The escape to responsibilities is a very abundant attitude at present, although not new. Many people fear responsibilities and duty, because, as the name says, the duty is a debt, a moral debt to act in a certain way, however, and despite this, people increasingly claim more rights, which is, in the greatest degree, an absurdity.

We have reached such a point that they even propose things like a universal basic income. Already by the simple fact of existing, you deserve all the rights of the world, imaginable and unimaginable, and of course, without the tedious responsibility of a duty. We are asking for the salary without working. I am sure that the topic of the UBI gives much to talk about, I have done it in the past, and I will do it again in the future, although now we will concentrate more on the responsibilities.

Of course, this modus operandi and this way of reasoning don't come free, they are self-destructive, because if something has taught us nature through all the countless historical demonstrations, it is that there is no easy way. You can't have everything for nothing. In fact, you can't have anything for nothing. The easy ways are ways that seem to take us to the place we want, but in reality, they take us back, and with the worst dishonor, because the way we choose is more important than the destination to which we are going, and when we take the short way, the easy way, not only we go back, but we do it in the worst way.

Now, when we talk about irresponsible people who lead us backward, the first thing that should come to mind is Marxism. The reason for the post. Where everything is promised, in exchange for nothing. Today we have Marxism in different packages and of different colors, although all with the same insipid flavor.

Some will ask; why, if socialism has failed so many times, why if state intervention has historically proved a failure, why if history has shown us that public institutions NEVER solve the problems for which they were created, why do they still believe that these ideas will work? The answer, believe it or not, is quite simple; because it must work.

For Marxists, their theories must work, they MUST work, they have to work.

I have spoken with innumerable Marxists, socialists of all kinds, those who are consciously and read Marx, and those who do so unconsciously throughout the propaganda, and although they don't know that they are Marxists, their proposals, ideas and worldview in general, it is highly Marxist. I have spoken with so many, I am the first to testify their good intentions. The Marxists on foot, those who don't participate in political parties or seek to take power by their own hands, but those who live their lives in a normal way like you or me, are people with very good intentions, perhaps with the best intentions

And here lies the problem, because these people carry all the world's problems on their backs; illiteracy, poverty, health problems, etc., and seek a solution for each of them. That is, they don't take responsibility even for themselves, but still want to be responsible for everyone. A totally contradictory thought, and an absurdity in itself. They think that they are not responsible for their misfortunes, and in the same way, all the other disadvantaged of society are not either. All are victims, all are oppressed.

And under this reductionism, in which nobody is to blame for their misfortunes, an equally reductionist response is needed; Marxism

Marxism is the most reductionist (pseudo)philosophical thought in the world. For Marxism history is reduced to a constant struggle between classes, the forms of governments and States are reduced to the control of productive factors, the world is reduced to materialism, and the human is reduced to the animal.

For people who seek to solve all existing problems, in a simple, and magical way, Marxism is an easy choice. It is very easy to be a Marxist. You just have to blame all the existing problems on the "bourgeois system", on its "heteropatriarchy", on its "institutional racism", on its "oppression", etc., they are all to blame, they are the bad guys in history. And the State, the good Marxist State, can solve all the problems as if by magic, it can do and undo at will and "liberate" the people from its chains.

Then the people, in their crusade to save the planet and humanity from all the world's problems, see the easy way in Marxism, which with their magnificent and always present propaganda fills their heads with false conceptions.

This is how people, people with good intentions, end up causing the greatest catastrophes. But remember what they say; "the road to hell is paved with good intentions", or "hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works".

Of course I am talking about moderate Marxists, some of whom don't know that they are Marxists, and who sometimes proclaim themselves as social-democrats, progressives, or in the most absurd way, as liberals, and their proposals are things like "public education, public health, insurance, subsidies to unemployment, and why not, universal basic income". No. Just not, buddy. That's nothing like liberalism, that's just socialism.

Don't think that, on the contrary, I refer to partisan Marxists, because that is not the case, the latter use lies and conspiracy, to say nice words while doing bad deeds, to make it seem that they are the only correct way, and also, the easiest, but we know that it is not like that.

Things are not what they seem.

So we have a lot of people (most Marxists), who support systems, methods and ideas that have repeatedly failed in the past, but still ignore it, because for them, that is the only way, because it is the simple solution, magical, and it does not require effort. The easy way. Marxism promises the solution to all problems in the easiest way, in which you must do nothing and you will simply be permanently happy, while the State solves all the problems, and guess what?, after solving all the problems the State will simply disappear, leaving us in the most perfect anarchy where everything always goes well.

Here we come to a paradox that Marxists never want to face, and that they deny with all their might. Have you heard about Fermi's paradox? Well, it can be summarized in something like this:

The common belief that the Universe possesses numerous technologically advanced civilizations, combined with our observations that suggest the opposite is paradoxical, suggesting that our beliefs or our observations are defective or incomplete.

Well, Marx's paradox is very similar:

The common belief that the Marxism will lead us to greater progress, combined with our observations that suggest the opposite is paradoxical, suggesting that our beliefs or our observations are defective or incomplete.

Because of course, the Marxists, present theories that do not give results in practice, to what they claim with the negation of reality ("that wasn't real socialism"), and evasion of reality, because if something in practice it is not like in the theory, it does not mean that it is not a real version, but rather that it is inapplicable in reality. But they never question their theories. Because we know something, if your theory is perfect, but it does not work in practice, or it is not done the way you expected in practice, it is because your premises are wrong.

If the State can solve all the problems, then why has it never showed it? Why does every time he has grown up create more problems than he has solved? Why does the theory contradict reality?

The facts are not on their side. And that is the main problem, when people see illusions created by their imagination and not the real events that are happening.

Look at the following image that perfectly describes the way of thinking of the Socialists.

The people in the box to the left believe that they are helping those below, give them a bucket of food (Welfare State) that will grow over time. These people are not helping the people below, they are making them dependent, they are enslaving them both morally and physically, because now they depend on those at the top (the State), something foreign to them, to survive. On the other hand, those in the box to the right give them some stairs, giving the opportunity, to whoever wishes, to leave. It is very obvious that not all will leave, because, in part, their mentality, and in part, their goals are not at the top. Many down below like to feel like victims, prefer not to do anything and blame their misfortunes on those above. But in conclusion, everyone will be free to leave, to the extent that their will so wishes.

What if we stop trying ideas that work in theory but not in practice, or ideas that work in theory but in practice are totally different, or that are simply wrong even in theory, what if we stop trying ideas that we just know that they don't work. What if we stop trying to travel the easy way that has magical solutions to all problems, and we begin to walk, not by the difficult way, but by the only way that exists, the way of truth, in which theories and the facts are the same, because we stop fooling ourselves with ideas that are not practical, or practices that are not ideal.

Image Source: 1, 2


Excellent post sir.

I may have to plagiarize!
You are explaining my own arguments better than myself !

The real problem is that with the principals of liberty and freedom comes that one that is not desired by most. That is you are at liberty and free to be responsible for the consequences of your actions. Liberty and freedom without responsibility is Chaos and bad for life. Having liberty, freedom and responsibility is spontaneous order and very good for life.

That is the question, because freedom can never be separated from responsibility. It is impossible. If you are not responsible for yourself, someone is responsible, which means that you are not free, you are dependent.

A free people, who don't want to be responsible, are destined to lose their freedom. But an irresponsible people can never be free, as long as they maintain the practices and habits of servitude.

I'm glad you wrote this so I didn't have to, spot on.

This is an interesting topic and all the truth.
Excellent analysis.


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I'll just add, that a lot of hardcore libertarians actually support UBI for reasons, that are plenty. I can provide some links if you're interested.

Yeah I know. That's why I said that that was another separate issue.