Let's not forget that North Korea has elections and they have a Prime Minister.
According to Wikipedia Democracy Index Russia, China, Vietnam, UAE are ranked below Venezuela and Cuba. Also check out: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/graham-allison/singapore-challenges-democracy_b_7933188.html It's a miracle to see Huffpost post something sensible.
Democracy is deeply overvalued, although it would also be unfair to place the current democracies as the highest exponents of democracies, because they are not, in fact, to say that the current representative forms of government are democracies is also a lie.
In Venezuela for example, during the years 1952-1957 there was a dictatorship similar to that of Singapore, that is, with a lot of economic freedom. In the civil aspect there were not many restrictions, but people could not get involved in political issues at all. This dictatorship led to a huge industrial and economic development in the country as has never been seen, in fact, after he falls in 1958 and begins the pseudo-democratic period, all governments, absolutely all governments precede him, are left-wing governments, and indebted to a country with high oil wealth that leads us to successive crises to reach what is Venezuela today.
Marcos Pérez Jiménez, achieved a broad economic development by freeing the market and based its budget solely on oil taxes. It reduced crime, which is a lot if we realize that Venezuela is among the most dangerous countries in the world today, stabilizing the economy, and boosting the country's growth, without contracting even a single dollar of debt.
Dictatorships of this kind are not the best, they are not even desirable, but I would prefer them a thousand times before a socialist government, and curiously there was more freedom at that time than exists in Venezuela now.
I'd too prefer a military dictatorship to the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Non-weighted Representative Democracy is actually a scam. Real democracy only exist in PoS blockchains and Boardrooms. and few other small community stuff. Modern dictoatorships are simply just Monarchy sans bloodlines. It's a hit or miss and you always know what you are getting. Faceless masses on the other hand is a Lovecraftian monster.
The main problem with dictatorships is that there isn't a competition between them. If comanies were treated as states, you could say Steve Jobs was a dictator. Look at what happened to Apple Inc after Jobs. Even solid crypto projects with a solid focused vision is like a dictatorship. It's only a few people who decide what's going to happen. __The difference is that we can vote with with our digital footprint.
You might find it interesting.I've talked about this few months ago: https://steemit.com/philosophy/@vimukthi/government-as-a-service-a-new-perspective-on-governments-and-taking-the-best-of-the-two-worlds-of-anarchy-and-minarchy
Also this comment offers some real insights into a certain kind of human beings.
Happy steeming!
I think Venezuelan Government is a dictatorship in democracy's clothing. Remember that after the landslide victory of the MUD, the judiciary suspended the powers of the legislature and later on putting up the Constituent Assembly composed of many PSUV members including the son of Mr. Maduro. Concluding that it is a self-coup. I think these events are too obvious that Maduro and his party are totalitarians.