President Donald Trump is under fire for pardoning the former Phoenix Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Friday.
Arpaio, 85, who served as sheriff of Maricopa County for 24 years, was convicted of criminal contempt of court for defying a judge's orders that he stop arresting immigrants on the suspicion that they were in the U.S. illegally.
Trump announced the pardon Friday night, just as the Texas Gulf Coast was bracing for impact from Category 4 Hurricane Harvey.
Let me just make it clear here, he wasn't convicted of profiling or arresting Latinos illegally. He was convicted of defying a judges order to stop arresting illegals. This judge was clearly out of their mind. A crime is a crime and if an officer has probable cause to suspect someone of a crime then they are fully on the right side of the law to arrest that person for further investigation. A judge can't have double standards of the law. Probably cause is ground to arrest someone on suspicions of drug trafficking but in the case of a suspected illegal you need to 100% proof, that goes far beyond what a judge can do and in my option should be grounds to have that judge removed for abusing power.
Sheriff Arpaio refused an illegal order by a Judge and has every right to do that because he's an elected leader by the people and took an oath to defend the constitution. Now you have McCain and all these other scumbags politicians attacking Trump for pardoning Mr. Arpaio even though its clear to everyone that doesn't have a agenda that this judge over stepped their authority. It just makes it clear who the domestic enemies are to this country.
The right move. Sheriff was/is a political pawn, maybe we can return to the rule of law in the republic. Dreams.
McCain makes my blood boil; what a traitor to the voters
My name is Joe too. I like safety first. Joe was doing his job.
Many people have walls, doors, locks.
Even more massive of a fact than he having deported illegals, Joe Arpaio was one of the MAIN PEOPLE, including document analysts, etc, exposing Obama's birth certificate to be fraudulent, which it was, still is, but we're so past that by now 😂 Lol this is ridiculous, they should pardon Ross Ulbricht 😏
I disagree with you on pretty much everything you wrote but it's not relevant to the argument i'm going to make.
Maybe this is just another example of our "dear leader" abusing the power of the presidency - or not. Maybe this is another example of the "something shiney" politics that we see being used almost daily. Regardless if you are a R or a D, you should be disgusted by what is happening in Washington. Is this really governing and how many of yours and my friends and family is it helping.?
In no time in history have "we the people" been in so much danger and so unwilling to do anything about it, so unwilling to do what is necessary, and so unwilling to do what is required of us as a citizen in a free society - "democracy is not a spectator sport" - not sure who said that but it most surely applies today.
Regardless of where you land on the political side, we should all be supporting the rule of law... We could debate the legality of the judges order and the underlying precedence but it is not going to change the fact that "we the people" are loosing...
And as I always say "your just gonna have to make up your own dam mind"...
I would also add we the people are being manipulated but by the elites and central bankers into making bad choices(good choices for them) for the country. That is why I'm on this platform trying to wake people up to the truth and expose the manipulation going on.
Political differences aside - I'm sure we both have the same goal... Will watch for your next post...
statute of limitations aint over for those in the oblahblah admin that ignored a court order to start enforcing immigration law
Isn't this what they locked Sheriff Hoe up for? Ignoring a court order?
if this is the game they want to play, roll them up, including Songbird McStain
Everyone of these mayors in a sanctuary city should be charged with obstruction of justice.
violation of 8 USC 1324, a federal law dealing with the harboring of illegals
violations of the civil rights of citizens (Title 18, IIRC)
depending on jurisdiction, failure to perform office, or malfeasance, or whatever the local charge is, in those areas that criminalize abuse of office
lock them up for everything that they are in open violation of, and when they're in jail, start ripping them open for bribery, subversion, and treason
You cannot speak truth to power wherever power has no use for the truth. While it can be factually debated forever whether Joe Arpaio violated laws while performing his duties as Sheriff of Maricopa County, what also needs to be equally examined is the Federal government's lack of initiative in support of him during his tenure.
I find McCain's comment that Arpaio "profiled" latinos to be laughable at best. Given the geopolitical context of living in AZ in the early 21st Century, which socioeconomic group of people did McCain expect Sheriff Arpaio to closely follow? While laws are laws and they must be adhered to, I'm not sure that fully legal enforcement of the immigration laws being violated could have been effectively carried out in any other way, given the context. In other words, what was Sheriff Arpaio supposed to do if he wanted to effect the change that the Federal government neglected its own legal obligation to effect?
If someone wants to give me a detailed explanation for how a) border laws get enforced in a meaningful, effective way and b) Arpaio could have otherwise done it with the zero support he received from Federal gov't, please, make my day.
What part of this seems constitutionally just to you?
Many people are falsely arrested and released. The system isn't prefect and that's why we have due process and a jury system.
You're right and this is the same system which found him guilty. This a man who was appointed to uphold the law. Take look at this tweet thread: ~~~ embed:901263384087334914 . I'm not convinced this guy was worthy of a presidential pardon twitter metadata:cGhvZW5peG5ld3RpbWVzfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3Bob2VuaXhuZXd0aW1lcy9zdGF0dXMvOTAxMjYzMzg0MDg3MzM0OTE0IC4gSSdtIG5vdCBjb252aW5jZWQgdGhpcyBndXkgd2FzIHdvcnRoeSBvZiBhIHByZXNpZGVudGlhbCBwYXJkb258 ~~~
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