tl;dr: Cheryl Mills is corrupt af. The Black Ivy Group = slavers.
Manafort recently faced some indictments that John Podesta and the Podesta Group (separately) should have faced for doing exactly the same thing, only worse. Cheryl Mills is no different. They get away with this because they are intelligence community assets.
The State Department did not disclose that Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff Cheryl Mills had a special arrangement in 2009 that allowed her to hold outside positions with the William J. Clinton Foundation, New York University, and an Abu Dhabi-funded group.
The agency came under scrutiny in 2013, after it was reported that Clinton’s close aide Huma Abedin had been granted "special government employee" status under Clinton, which allowed her to work as a part-time consultant for the State Department while also taking private clients that had financial ties to the former First Family.
J&T Packing seemingly has a board of directors very similar to the Clinton Foundation. Whatever questions exist about this entity, the truth is this cast of characters leads to a great deal of other leads that span across the globe with businesses, NGO's, and seemingly clandestine operations.
As a result of this, many people became aware of the Black Ivy Group and began to ask about some curious emails. You may have seen this snippet, before:
In 2010, Cheryl Mill's planted "Building Haiti's Economy One Mango At A Time". Mills forwards the story to HRC. HRC asks "who does he work for" (meaning the writer Jean-Louis Warnholz) and Mills responds "he works for us now".
Jean-Louis emails Cheryl "Random Good News".... "Cheryl Because it's that kind of day and that kind of week:
Sae-A shipped the first 65,000 shirts 'Made in Haiti' that should hit Walmart stores soon. They now employ a 1,000 workers, many trained by a USG-financed training center.
*Only two mango trees had to be uprooted at the Caracol Park. Trees under threat are now being transplanted to the Caracol Ekam housing. *"
(It may be just a coincidence that 65,000 is also the amount of money spent on "pizza and hot dogs" at a now infamous White House party.)
December 21, 2012. HRC emails Cheryl Mills and asks "How is Seven doing? Any photos?".
Jean-Louis Warnholz and Cheryl Mills both now work at The Black Ivy Group.
Many have posited that mango trees are women who are kept specifically to produce children for child trafficking. But, as you can see, all the players are already there. George Soros' ex-employee now works for "us" meaning the Clinton Foundation through the Black Ivy proxy.
/u/bonniedundee put some of these pieces together over a year ago...
Clarification: Hillary didn't receive a box of mangoes, but she was apprised of the establishment of a mango distribution pipeline from Pakistan to the U.S. Could this be a cover for transporting child merchandise through a USAID/Pakistan program? FBI anon told us to look for connections to USAID because children were transported in USAID shipping containers.
Why was Hillary so interested in mangos (misspelled) from Pakistan? Why do they talk about "partners in crime"? Could "mango" be code for child merchandise?
Amrok and Amrita Mahlbubani who did a lot of "cooking" at Tony's apt. in DC also had "fresh, sweet mango" on their menu.
See here for compilation of Wikileaks emails mentioning this dubious Hindu couple:
Cheryl Mills
Mills is the daughter of a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army and grew up on Army posts all over the world, including Belgium, West Germany, and the U.S.
Mills founded BlackIvy Group and is CEO of BlackIvy group, a company which builds and grows enterprises in Africa.[6][33] Her close professional relationship with Sae-A chairman Woong-ki Kim led them to join hands with Costa Rican president Luis Guillermo Solís cutting the ribbon at the new Sae-A factory in Costa Rica.
FBIAnon suggested an actionable lead would be to look into Cheryl Mills' previous employer, Hogan Lovells.
Hogan Lovells Hamburg MP Steps Down Amid Spying Scandal
The managing partner at Hogan Lovells’ Hamburg, Germany, office has stepped down after he was accused of teaming up with an energy supplier client’s human resources director to spy on a former employee who had filed a labor lawsuit against the company, the firm confirmed Thursday.
Cheryl Mills did live in West Germany, coincidentally.
City law firm Hogan Lovells accused of 'whitewash' investigation into South African government corruption
City law firm Hogan Lovells has been drawn into the growing corruption scandal in South Africa amid allegations it produced a “whitewash” report into claims of money laundering at a government agency.
Her former employer does seem to have all the elements of being an intelligence community asset, as well. Hogan Lovells deserves its own post, but you can see a clear pattern of covering for corruption across the world.
I thank him dearly for continuing to fight and expose these shenanigans of legal charlatans such as Hogan Lovells. They have aided and abetted this crooked Moyane and Makwakwa to continue in their service to the corrupt President of South Africa and his cronnies the Guptas and robbing the taxpayers of South Africa
Cheryl Mills has no problem ignoring court orders to produce evidence. It is clear where she learned this from.
Hogan Lovells has even inserted a plant into Trump's legal team.
Ty Cobb, a longtime Hogan Lovells partner based in Washington, D.C., has joined President Donald Trump's legal team as special counsel. His last day at Hogan Lovells will be July 30, the firm's chairman said in an all-firm email sent Friday afternoon.
Of course, he intentionally created some news stories by talking about "Russiagate" out loud at a restaurant in front of reporters.
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Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills has brazenly threatened to violate a court order and delete State Department emails. What role would she play in a Hillary Clinton administration? Investigation obstructor in chief?
Mills, Clinton and Clinton aide Huma Abedin were ordered on July 31 by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan to produce "all responsive information that was or is in their possession as a result of their employment at the State Department."
Clinton has since told Sullivan that she has turned over all work-related emails from her private account, and Abedin's lawyer has told the media that "we have been working expeditiously to gather the remaining materials in Ms. Abedin's possession that are responsive or potentially responsive."
Mills' response to the judge? Drop dead. Well, not her exact words, but the essence of what her lawyers are saying. In a letter dated Aug. 6, the attorneys said that "following our production on Aug. 10, 2015, we have instructed (Mills) to delete any and all electronic copies (of potential federal records) in her possession."
Black Ivy Group
This is an email chain between Mae Podesta (John’s daughter, I think) and Cheryl Mills about her possibly working with Mills’ company, BlackIvy Group (
There is mention of a pipeline in the email and the BlackIvy website and the “Our Markets” page ( mentions their anchor countries:
BlackIvy’s anchor countries, Ghana and Tanzania, enjoy:
central locations—serving as natural gateways to their regions
political stability with leadership committed to private investment
abundant natural resources
competitive and growing labor pools, with young populations
favorable tax and trade incentives with regional and international markets, including the European Union and United States
projected average annual growth of 5.9% and 6.9%, respectively between 2016 and 2020
This is the tagline under the “Leadership” section of the website (
“BlackIvy has a culture, a company and a team that is built for environments that are challenging to navigate, yet ripe with opportunity.”
Under her name she actually touts her experience at the SD!: “She supervised priority policy areas, including the Obama Administration’s $3.5 billion global hunger and food security initiative spanning 19 countries, 12 in Africa, and diplomacy and development efforts in Haiti.”
All I have to say is poor Africa, if Cheryl Mills has you in her sights…!
The Registered Agent on file for this company is Cheryl D. Mills and is located at 1361 Locust Road, N.W.,, Washington, District Of Columbia 20012. The company's principal address is 1361 Locust Road, N.W.,, Washington, District Of Columbia 20012.
The company has 1 principal on record. The principal is Cheryl D. Mills from Washington District Of Columbia.
Black Ivy came under fire for proposing for a 23 cent minimum wage in Ghana, despite all the founders and CEOs calling for a 15 dollar minimum wage in the U.S.
Nowadays, Mills and her new company, “BlackIvy Group, LLC,” are pitching the textile industry to business in Ghana by promising a lower minimum wage than competing countries, according to The Daily Caller, who obtained a PowerPoint presentation by Mills’ group.
23 cents per hour amounts to “slave labor” and “slave wages” to many critics and is 1.5 percent of the value of Democrats’ (and Clinton’s) “living wage” of $15 per hour.
Cheryl Mills is founder and Chief Executive Officer of the BlackIvy Group. Prior to BlackIvy, Ms. Mills served as Chief of Staff to Secretary Hillary Clinton and Counselor to the U.S. Department of State, where she managed foreign policy and operational priorities of the $55 billion agency that employs more than 20,000 officials across 180 countries. She supervised priority policy areas, including the Obama Administration’s $3.5 billion global hunger and food security initiative spanning 19 countries, 12 in Africa, and diplomacy and development efforts in Haiti.
Jean-Louis Warnholz is Founding Principal and Managing Director of the BlackIvy Group. Prior to joining BlackIvy, Jean-Louis Warnholz was a Senior Advisor in Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s office, focusing on public-private partnerships in emerging markets. Mr. Warnholz brings a track record of identifying emerging economic opportunities in frontier regions and executing ground-breaking ventures to capture these opportunities. He co-founded fastafrica Ltd. and worked in senior advisory positions for governments (UK, US), multilateral institutions (World Bank, UN) and private entities (Soros Economic Development Fund, S&P). Mr. Warnholz executed projects in complex settings from Kosovo to Haiti to Mongolia to Ghana. In Haiti, he coordinated major investments in new factories, housing, power, port and airport infrastructure in the country’s poorest region.
Anthony Welters is currently Executive Chairman of the BlackIvy Group, LLC. He is recently retired as Senior Adviser to the Office of the CEO of UnitedHealth Group, which serves more than 100 million people worldwide through its health and well-being companies. During his tenure at UnitedHealth Group, Mr. Welters also served as Executive Vice President and a Member of the Office of the CEO of UnitedHealth Group and led UHG’s Public and Senior Markets Group. Mr. Welters joined UHG upon its acquisition of AmeriChoice, a health care company he founded in 1989.
Welters was appointed executive vice-president of UnitedHealth Group in December 2006 and served as president of the Public and Senior Markets Group from September 2007 to December 2010. In 2011 Welters joined the office of UnitedHealth Group’s CEO. He gained notice when QSSI was granted a contract to implement HealthCare. gov and then was purchased by UnitedHealth Group subsidiary, Optum.
Anthony and Beatrice Welters bundled donations totaling between $200,000 and $500,000 for Obama’s campaign during the 2008 election cycle, according to campaign finance data compiled by Center for Responsive Politics. President Obama appointed Beatrice Welters as U.S. ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago. (18) Anthony Welters is currently executive chairman for Black Ivy Group, LLC, started by Cheryl Mills, a consulting firm focused on sub-Saharan Africa.
Welters founded AmeriChoice Corporation in 1989 and served as president and CEO; it was acquired by UnitedHealth Group in 2002. He serves as chairman of the board of New York University Law and Morehouse School of Medicine. He is the recipient of the prestigious Horatio Alger Award. He serves on multiple boards, including Bard, West Pharmaceutical Services, and Carlyle, and has received numerous awards for philanthropic endeavors.
“Sea-A Trading secured millions of dollars in incentives to make its Haiti investment more attractive,” writes NYT. Sea-A Trading’s chairman Woong-ki Kim became a Clinton Foundation donor after his firm secured the lucrative contract in Haiti. Adding to the intrigue, when Mills left the state department, she started a company called BlackIvy Group—for which Kim is a financial backer. NYT describes the relationship this way: “The partnership with Mr. Kim sheds light on the business activities of Ms. Mills—a longtime Clinton loyalist who is likely to play a significant role in any future Clinton White House—as well as the interlocking public and private relationships that have long characterized the Clintons’ inner circle.”
Top Clinton State Department aide Cheryl Mills is the founder and CEO of BlackIvy Group, a small and mysterious energy investment firm headquartered inside a Microsoft building in the Washington D.C. suburb of Chevy Chase, Maryland. Jean-Louis Warnholz became the founding principal and managing director of BlackIvy Group in 2013 after three years as a senior adviser to Clinton at the State Department. He previously worked for progressive billionaire George Soros’s Soros Economic Development Fund.
“BlackIvy is developing a privately-financed dry port that will be located 56 km outside of the Port of Dar es Salaam, and will use shuttle trains to take transit and upcountry cargo to and from the Port,” BlackIvy spokeswoman Erin Pelton confirmed to Breitbart News.
“BlackIvy is focused on in-land logistics, not operating seaports,” Pelton added, denying that BlackIvy is running into opposition from the Tanzania Ports Authority.
So how did BlackIvy, a brand new firm with no discernible track record of building ports, manage to become an overnight player in the East African energy market?
It turns out Clinton’s former aides had some help from a company called Symbion Power, which was created to profit off rebuilding efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan after the U.S. invasions. Symbion Power happens to be a very good friend of Hillary Clinton’s.
Hillary Clinton visited Tanzania in June 2011. Where did she go to speak? The Symbion Power Plant in Dar Es Salaam, where she spoke in front of Symbion and General Electric (GE) logos. Soon after the speech, Clinton intervened in a business deal between Symbion and GE to help Symbion’s interests in Tanzania.
The correspondence released early this morning, Wilson (the diplomat who challenged the Bush administration's weapons of mass destruction theory before his wife, Valerie Plame, was outed as a spy) asked the secretary of state in December 2009 about a USAID-funded electrification project in Afghanistan on behalf of Symbion Power, a company he has represented. The existing contractors "should just get out and let companies like Symbion, who have a proven track record get in there and roll up our sleeves," Wilson wrote.
Clinton forwarded Wilson's note and a memo from the company's CEO, Paul Hinks, to her aides Jack Lew (then an under secretary), Jake Sullivan and Cheryl Mills. "Please check out what Joe is saying here," she said. "He is now working for a company that has a good track record building in Iraq and wants to do so in Afghanistan. Let me know. Thx."
Black Ivy/Warnholz builds a dry port in Tanzania Coast region to ease congestions on the roads and at Dar es Salaam harbour, Kibaha District
PLANS are underway to build a dry port in Coast region to ease congestions on the roads and at Dar es Salaam harbour, Kibaha District Administrative Secretary (DAS), Mr Jusseim Mwakipesile has revealed.
Mr Mwakipesile said in his office that already the Managing Director of Black IVY Group which is based in Washington, USA, Mr Jean -Louis Warnholz and his assistants, had talks with the regional authorities which was chaired by the Coast Regional Commissioner, Ms Mwantumu Mahiza earlier this week.
She supervised priority policy areas, including the Obama Administration’s $3.5 billion global hunger and food security initiative spanning 19 countries, 12 in Africa, and diplomacy and development efforts in Haiti. In Haiti, Ms. Mills led the implementation of an $800M public-private partnership in northern Haiti, resulting in the development of one of the largest industrial parks in the Caribbean.
Ms. Mills came to New York to join Oxygen Media, a cable and internet start-up, where she served as Senior Vice President for Corporate Policy and Public Programming.
Tanzania Ports Authority stands up to Black Ivy
The TPA accuses the American company Black Ivy Group of not respecting its undertakings while wanting to take control of Tanzanian ports.
In conclusion, it is clear that the Black Ivy Group, LLC has employed people who are clearly working in tandem, simultaneously, with the Soros machine and the Clinton machine. They are slavers. They are money launderers. They are interferers of news and creators of propaganda. They are traitors and criminals of the highest order and they should all be put in jail.
At the very least, they do not deserve votes. They do not deserve to be in office and you should not give any political support to these people or any of their friends.
You should also commit to engaging on social media so that people know enough to also stop giving them support. That is all.
Good luck.
This business was created 3,518 days ago in the SOS Office and the registered agent is Tiffany J. Mays that does business at 415 Main Street Little Rock, Ar 72201.
Kenneth P. Vogel tweeted @ 18 Sep 2017 - 03:10 UTC
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