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RE: State Medical Care Coming to the USA, People Flee to Mexico

in #politics8 years ago

Chemo and radiation killed my mom, too. She died about 3 and half years ago and, I'm sure you can relate, life is forever changed. We can teach those who will listen.

My mom's oncologist would not "allow" vitamin C or medical marijuana. My mom basically starved to death because the chemo killed her appetite. I know marijuana would have helped her. Neither she nor my dad pushed the issue with the oncologist. They just listened to him, thought he knew best. I don't know how these oncologists live with themselves because they know that chemo and radiation is killing people. On top of that, they get kick-backs for prescribing chemo. It's insane.

I know you that you know if the doctors told your dad how to eat healthfully (I don't even think most doctors know what true nutrition is) then they would make no money performing surgeries. Like you said, there is no money in healthy people.