There are multiple definitions for what left and right mean, the most common one being big or small government.. almost no one actually means that when they say it however. George Lincoln Rockwell referred to left and right in terms of how they were used originally, in the French revolution. The side which supported the states control was the right, the monarchy. The side which supported power for the people, anarchy and chaos - was the left. Generally theres two different groups and then theres some people in the middle - who Rockwell referred to as the comic book readers, people who spend their time unconcerned with important issues and who merely desire to live their lives and get as much personal enjoyment out of their time here.
So you have the two sides, communists and anti-communists, or National Socialists, or Nazis, or Fascists, or whatever you want to call them. The people who say all races are absolutely the same despite all scientific evidence showing thats factually incorrect, that everyone deserves to have equity and the same amount of stuff. Some want to ban private property, others just want to ban rich people. The other side opposes these people, thats your fascists. Radical leftists want to kill all the intellectuals, and the "radical" right realized you cant fight a crazed manic with a gun - using words. So either you support the idea of killing everyone with half a brain and the black farmers of Zimbabwe controlling the world, or you dont and think thats terrible, that the people pushing for that must be stopped. Or, more likely in your case, you dont care. You care about small issues that are being chosen by thought leaders of each side without realizing the real reason they are being pushed. You think feminism is about womens rights instead of destroying the family. You think anti-gun laws are to stop gun violence. You think forced immigration and open borders is because... muh feelings, instead of the Kalergi-Coudenhove plan.
I should add, technically National Socialism is not right or left, its third position.
I don't believe this is a natural process human beings arose to as a consensus, I believe it is a strategic process of manipulative rhetoric and propaganda utilized by a small group of the population which divides the civilization unnaturally into these left and right concepts: extremes.
Divide and conquer.
No one is really "left" no one is really "right" we all have aspects of both.
If we were allowed to live naturally, rather than having a tiny fraction of the population divide us and pit us against one another with their control over media, politicians and the economy utilizing us as tools to raise their portfolio value, none of this extreme labeling would happen, or at the minimum, the population would see past the labels to recognize the unique perspective of each individual.
People who measure the value of another human being by their genetics are sick in the head. They have a mental impairment that may be genetic or could be a product of a toxic environment, either way it is counter-intuitive to a species' survival and evolution.
Luckily those people are a small fraction of the population, and the rest of us want to help one another and grow together to see a more positive world take form regardless of what dumb ass labels people want to call it. Language has been used to divide our population for thousands of years. Those with intelligence see this and those with a moral compass do not abuse this knowledge, but those who pursue only self-interest and are ignorant of the inherent unity of all consciousness abuse this knowledge and use labels to manipulate others.
So when I see people try to force labels onto others I see one of two things:
Let us not mistake the word "Tree" for an actual tree.
A US general who I failed to remember the name of said he sees it in terms of nationalists and globalists, hes pretty much correct. The people who cry about non-citizens while citizens are being enslaved and tortured are your globalists, the people who dont like MS-13 blackmailing them by torturing their kids can be called your nationalists. Theres shades of the two. Either you care about the people who are of the country, or you care about the globe over your own countries interests. All decisions come down to these two mindsets. This is too simplistic though because its not "globalists" who are controlling the world, its a people who happen to be globalists but who also happen to be nationalists... except they cant be "nationalists" because they arent part of the countries they take over and form two sides in. So the "right" are actually controlled by foreign people. The republicans, conservatives etc. They are "right" but "not nationalist" because zionism is alien to Europe, and so they cant be nationalists because they dont care about their own country, they care about Israel.
So there are three positions - and this isnt really the correct usage of third position, but there are globalists, zionists, and nationalists. Nationalists are the only ones who care about their own country over the world, or over Israel.
Oh, and whites have a right to exist.
I agree with you that this concept is useful for explaining ideologies to people and giving a quick rundown on the major ideologies vying for control in the world. This is an insightful comment and well thought out.
I think it is possible to live in a world with nationalists and not have war or extreme stratification of wealth and resources. I think it is also possible to live under a global government without a handful of psychopaths running the show from the top.
The only reason we are presented with such limited choices is because the most wealthy and influential people on the planet right now are trying to make it that way. All we have to do is adopt more and more decentralized platforms until eventually the power is stripped away from the few and put into the hands of the many.
The population can then decide for themselves, with a TRUE equal-weight voting system, what form of government they want, whether it be global or nation-state, and all nations can cooperate with one another for the benefit of the collective instead of utilizing third world countries as sources of cheap labor or oppressing their citizenry.
Learn More About the Decentralized Government Project Here:!/@anotherhero/20180416t015204082z-how-to-build-a-new-government-on-the-steem-blockchain--succeed-in-its-non-violent-implementation
@anotherhero, you are 200% correct again. The movement is REAL! Peace.