White Womens Fertility Rate Drops Beneath Required Level To Sustain Their Population In All US States

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

A new report from the CDC - Center for Disease Control - shows white womens fertility rates are down in all US states, below the required rate for the population to maintain itself. It also shows that black womens rate is up 12% and non-white hispanics are up 29%


To obtain this conclusion the researches compiled data from birth certificates in every state based on self reported data, which also leaves room for many mixed race people who claim whiteness.

Experts attribute these numbers to immigrants who have a much higher rate of childbirth than natural citizens. To make things worse the white population was hit hard by the recession of 2008 and many are beyond childbearing years. As additional salt on the wound, Maine, the state with the largest white population - had the highest total fertility rate for black women.

The Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service in Maine in 2020 is expected to have more residents above age 65 than ones 19 and under. "My guess is a lot of the black women who've given birth to babies in Maine are foreign born" said Dr. Jonathan Resiman who is an associate professor of economics and public policy at University of Maine.

"There's a significant Somali group in southern Maine, along the northern coast there's a lot of Central Americans. Immigrants who are foreign born tend to have higher fertility rates"


A local Rabbi was quoted as saying it was "purely a coincidence" dismissing those who point to this as indicative of an intentional genocide.

Further discussion may be found here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/12657149.html