Isn’t Facebook shit? I hate Facebook and I stopped using it unfortunately I have been forced back on to it lately due to Facebook having decent buy and sell pages that I needed to use. I think buy and sell pages have saved Facebook. Without buy and sell at the moment Facebook would have no use whatsoever.
I used to have thousands of followers on Facebook until I closed the page due to Facebook making itself useless and the reach of a post fell from potentially hundreds of thousands to less than 20.
When I first get on Facebook after a bit of time away the first thing I notice is, these people ain’t my friends! Or at least the vast majority of them ain’t. In fact I barely know most of them. I only have about two hundred friends on Facebook some people have thousands… People like to give the illusion of having friends so they just add anybody they can.
Women are nuts on Facebook.. All this like for likes and fake bullshit and martyr speeches fuck sake its lame, get over yourselves.
I ask myself with fear and dread; is this what the Internet has turned into? A place for attention seekers to flaunt their ignorance and feeling of self importance.
If I were to remove everybody on Facebook that is not really a friend or family member I would probably have less than 10 friends and even most of them are friends from the past that I have not seen for years.
I wouldn’t have space or time in my life for too many more, it must be a pain in the ass to have thousands of friends.
Thousands of people constantly wanting favours, fuck that. Thousands of men messaging one individual woman, I know some would love it, they are called attention whores.
Never used FaceBook, You Tube or Twitter. It has cost me financially but I held to my position based on principle.
A harsh but accurate reflection of Facetwat and most of social media.
All that you say is soo true. But what about all the data and info they are sucking from their users. I left like 3yrs ago. I went to upload 1 picture, and Facebook started downloading my whole camera roll from my iPhone. That was it!!! I’m out!! Friendship illusion is what Facebook is full of, and it’s a great tool for certain people to push their evil agenda
i'm always on about that i left it from this one due to repetition