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RE: What do the Russian people think about the Americans . Would you be interested to know that?

in #politics9 years ago (edited)

I would be interested to know this... but I think we are all just people no matter what country we are from.

I remember a few years ago, I had just met a Russian girl, she was a software developer married to an American man. Just weeks after I met her, the Crimea situation happened and it was all over the US news. Some of the news suggested the situation was very tense and might result in war. She came to me and talked to me about it. I didn't know her well but she was very disturbed by the news and she needed to talk about it I guess. Basically she didn't like all of what it was saying on the news and I could tell she felt uncomfortable because she was from Russia and she was now here in the US when this was happening.

It got me thinking at that time. And I tried to let her know that whatever they say about war on the news, the people of the US aren't against Russia or Russians.

Where I live, in southern California, there are people from all over the world. And I like them all. I've learned to appreciate different cultures and backgrounds. I have known some Russians and worked with them and I liked them.

I guess I look at it in general that we all inherited the world we live in. We can't change the past, but we can try to learn from the past. And try to realize that we are all just people and we need to try to work together to make our neighborhood, town, cities, countries and world a better place.