The true virtue
In an increasingly polarized world, in which we continue to see the differences getting greater and greater, and organized almost forcibly into just two poles, there is no room to be anything other than “one” or “zero”.
In an almost binary reality, taken to an extreme by the anti-Woke groups, who have been led to make increasingly extreme decisions precisely because of the imposition of a blind Woke culture, and without any search for fairness of evaluations, each individual is led to have to opt for only one of two states.
If we are not Democrats, we can only be Republicans. And being from a certain family or political affiliation means that we don't even want to discuss or try to agree on issues that have different political options and opinions. It seems that the time of centralism is no longer important and no longer carries the necessary weight.
And I'm not just talking about politics. Even in social terms. There don't seem to be any gray areas these days. And why is there such a decline in empathy and cordiality?
Can it be justified by a reality that is increasingly removed from contact between people? From a world in which only “likes” or the number of hateful comments about what we dislike can move and motivate us?
Wouldn't it be more acceptable and desirable to work towards societies in which consensus is more common, and in which the extremes are able to work more on a common basis? Of course, I'm not asking for everyone's political convictions and values to be ignored, but rather taken into account when determining changes to legislation or any other matter that might affect or influence people's lives?
A society in which the focus is only on the issues that everyone considers most important is a society that will always be on the brink of conflict. And not a conflict with results, in which ideas are discussed and opinions defended. Nothing like that. A conflict in which those considered to be “obstacles” are simply eliminated, as happens around the world in many latitudes.
I'm proud to live in a country with a democracy. But I believe that the current political situation, which is being discussed at the moment, will not lead to an approach that tries to solve the problems of the Portuguese population.
In this respect, the only coherent discourse I can see comes from a party, Liberal, which was founded in 2017. It considers itself to be center-right, and is currently the fourth political force with parliamentary representation, with 8 deputies out of 230.
I hope that this approach, which is more centrist and more focused on what is really important for the Portuguese population, with a focus on the implementation of Resilience Plans and Community Support, will be taken more into account.
Empathy should be a compulsory “subject” in schools. Today's children have no real idea of the importance of reaching consensus. Of reaching points of contact, where “one” or “zero” are not always the answer, and that there are a myriad of possible right answers to the same problem.
And you, how do you think this world could move towards a less polarized position?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
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The world is becoming far too polarized, and the internet has only made things worse with social media. Many people have lost all empathy which is sickening, I think social media hardens people. Empathy should be taught in school, but it should be taught at home first. The world's a different place now that when I grew up... And it's sad!
You said it all, my friend. Strange world that we are evolving to.