I feel that the secret is not to change THE world, but to change YOUR world. After all, that’s all that really matters.
The understanding of the “here and now” as Huxley ingrained so importantly into his final work ‘Island’, would suffice as a great example. To have the understanding of our position in consciousness and to utilize our energy to create the lifestyles and perspectives we prefer to live within, is paramount. Truly, nothing else matters because by trying to change the world we find ourselves frustrated and fighting the establishment (who always wins). Instead, we can simply ignore the establishment, practice non-participation, and live in our own little voluntaryist personal anarchies (I hate labels but for what that’s worth) with minimal participation except where required/preferred.
Revolution was once achievable, but that time has passed. Anyone who is intellectually respectable will say with confidence that we’ve passed the turning point, and they’re correct. We can masturbate mentally about ideologies for the rest of our lives, but what’s the point? Trying to create a better future? There is no future and there never was a future - the future is NOW, this exact moment... And that is why society has gone wrong. We’be been indoctrinated to seek a future that does not and never will exist.
We are fully regressing as a species. Less capability, more reliability than ever in history. We may progress as individuals or small groups, but the overwhelming populace is complacent and totally unwilling to taste freedom, preferring instead the comfort of mediocrity and excuses, placing blame on others (“leaders and authorities”) and pretending to take action via voting and activism - both which are factually futile efforts.
At this point in time, the powers that rule over all influence will always have the upper hand. Censorship of truth is at an all-time high, as is propaganda. Alternative ideas are infiltrated, twisted, and stomped-out before they’re able to grow into anything feasible. Education is so thoroughly corrupted that free thought and true intellect is a rare gem - and if you hold that ability you are an outcast. Even those who have an idea of our problems still participate in status-quo thought processes.
Politics are utterly meaningless. The shot-callers on this planet are nothing more than ranchers of human farms. We are tools, pawns, puppets and plebs of their operation and the only way out is to roam free and keep quiet - over the fence and under the radar.
I really enjoyed reading your article. Nobody has the answers, but they’re sure fun to contemplate. Keep up the great work, you’re a skilled writer.
It's been a long time since I saw a comment like this on STEEM. Thank you!
As a little addition I'll leave this: