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RE: Religion of Terror? Leaked ISIS Docs Show 70% of Recruits Don’t Even Know What Islam Is

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

It is similar in context to the Torah, but not the New Testament at all.

And to say they all believe in the Torah is highly misleading. Muslims believe the bible is corrupted beyond any practical use, and Christians generally think Jesus' sacrifice supercedes old testament law.

Even the Jews don't practice those laws today, as they are currently impossible to fulfill as prescribed Moses.

The only religion that still normalizes crap in large numbers like stoning women is Islam. We can pretend it's not the case, but the practice is still common in some of the most visible and influential Islamic countries.


I was speaking from a "they all acknowledge the Torah as the Word of God" perspective. What you say about the different faiths is true, but I was speaking to the historical context of violence in the Old Testament, as it's easy for most Westerners to view the Bible in its proper context, but we don't apply the same metric to other systems of belief. It's part of being human and having bias as a survival mechanism, but doesn't mean we shouldn't try to be aware of it.

It always cracks me up when people talk about how Islam is so awful to women, because most of that is cultural than Quranic. I don't disagree that there are some places in the world that are predominantly Muslim where women are fighting for equality and oppression, but they're fighting humans, not God. A good Muslim would explain that the Quran actually allows women to own and inherit property and pursue formal education, straying from the cultural traditions of the time. In America, which so many people claim as a Christian nation, women who have been raped are still asked if they were wearing "fashionable clothing" by police officers, so we're not exactly a shining beacon of justice when it comes to violence against women.

I really appreciate the intelligent comments, but I gotta say comparing the plight of women in places like Saudi Arabia to women is the USA is laughable. Is there even a feminist movement at all there lol?