//not that anyone would read it anyway as I am certain it is quite academic and boring.//
Exactly why the supposedly "weaker" men are prone to be leftist more than the "stronger". The weaker men spend more time reading and studying rather than going to the gym and partying, not that there is anything wrong with either, I choose to do both and I guess that's why I consider myself a centrist rather than right or left 🤷 I do however consider myself left leaning, so there is that.
However, the main reason why people support the capitalist system is because that's what they have seen growing up and has been made "common sense". All economic models, even the one taught at school, shown in media and even in religion are based on the capitalist economic system. Louis Althusser calls these social institutions Ideological State Apparatuses; these are used to push in ideas into peoples minds.
You grow up in school being taught to obey authority and keep quiet and do as you're told which are all qualities the bourgeoisie prefer in workers. You turn on your TV that's all you see, military good, government good, business good, money good, anarchy bad, protest bad, rebel bad. Hence we get all our ideas and think of them as common sense just because these are the beliefs widely believed in.
It is also a fact that, all intellectuals, scientists, philosophers, etc, in known history, if not all then almost all, have been physically "weak". Yet they are the ones famous for changing the world and not the ones who spent time building their muscles in gym.
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