In many of the previous articles I’ve posted to this blog over the past several months, I’ve described the crisis that is about to hit western civilization and the root causes. Terrorism, crime and a high incarceration rate are really symptoms of an incorrect philosophical model held in place by a few parasites who benefit greatly at the expense of humanity as a whole. This system is coming to an end.
The main reason it’s coming to an end has nothing to do with those of us who reside in the USA and other western developed nations, but because the exit has been provided from a system of financial exclusion that the majority of the rest of the world will adopt in spite of the rest of our ignorance at how we’ve sacrificed freedom for security. The collapse will center around the USD no longer being the world’s reserve currency and western authorities misguided attempt at financial exclusion. It will be the rest of the world’s 1776 moment in its declaration of independence from the USD.
It will eventually be the case that someone with a Mycelium wallet and a cell phone in sub saharan Africa can exchange value directly without intermediaries of any kind, and it will be commonplace. KYC (Know Your Customer), AML (Anti Money Laundering) or CTF (Control of Terrorist Financing) will be even less effective than it is now. But that day has not yet arrived. It will be a few more years yet (less than a decade) and then there will be some watershed moment when it will be completely obvious what has happened and it will be undeniable. Andreas Antonopoulos said this will most likely be when the collective transfers the idea of “fake news” to the idea of “fake money”…
This watershed moment won’t happen until the technology that underlies cryptocurrencies is ready and can scale on a global level. Those technologies that have already solved the scaling issues of bitcoin are likely to come forward gradually over the coming year. I’m aware of three such protocols at this point: Steem, Bitshares, and EOS if it’s successfully launched this June.
These protocols aren’t quite as anarchistic as bitcoin because they will still have elected witnesses to process blocks. Sound familiar? It should because we already have elections and political corruption as a result. Nevertheless, we are likely to have an interregnum, maybe as long as a generations time, that flirts with a digital panopticon, but at the same time has some built in resistance to “unjust” authority.
The Con Game Authority is Likely to Play

As cryptocurrencies threaten the existence of the world’s banking systems and governance models, they will place blame on bitcoin for being the cause. The real cause is the fact that hierarchical centralization is inherently unstable compared to the flat non-hierarchical designs found in nature and that they collapse from their own corruption. The few who manage to control it all cannot restrain themselves from taking unjust advantage of their positions of power to personal advantage; and that is the real problem. But they will say that you need them for your own good because otherwise (insert boogey man here) will get you.
The goal of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin which don’t allow for inflationary policies, is to render all governments (either so called legitimate government or illegitimate government such as ISIS - though I recognize no such distinction) unable to manipulate the currency in such a way as to aggregate so much wealth that weapons of mass destruction can be created. It becomes impossible to create such mass scale death when money is limited. Stefan Molyneux explains why here…
Flag money such as the USD has near monopoly power which means that an exit from the system is more difficult to come by. Not everyone can do so yet. But as this monopoly fails in the near future, governments will only allow cryptocurrencies to exist if they can continue to scrape a large profit from its citizens using them. Otherwise they will make such use illegal. This latter scenario is certainly possible, and has already happened in many countries in the world, but will be delayed in the more developed countries.
Gradual Erosion of National Identity due to the Internet

Governments will eventually create their own flag money based upon the cryptocurrency model. I expect this to happen gradually, especially in developed nations of the west. Whether they will work well enough remains to be seen, but Venezuela has already introduced the Petro to replace the Bolivar. As cryptocurrency, which is nationless, borderless and censorship resistant begins to compete with flag money, the equity drain potential will make governments poorer and individuals richer.
What will be their reaction? I already mentioned the passing of laws making use of such cryptocurrencies illegal as a possibility, but it’s also the case that some governments might simply accept them as a replacement and downsize their operations. My gut tells me that this will be the hardest sell in the USA which has the most to lose in the USD no longer being the world’s reserve currency. US residents will need to be especially prepared when government regulators send out armed militias to round up known crypto users in an attempt to force them to open their wallets as an emergency measure to keep government running.
Cryptocurrency Summit 2022

As governments begin to drain equity around the world, those who had the foresight to be involved in cryptocurrency will become the new “government”. How formal this arrangement will be remains to be seen. But giant tech companies such as Amazon may step up to form a conglomeration to take over infrastructure maintenance that governments can no longer provide due to the erosion of value in flag money.
There will likely be a lot of chaos and panic in the USA and several developed western nations during the 2020’s as the old ways collapse. One problem in particular will be what to do with all of the nukes as their deconstruction expense will be a heavy burden. Will some militaries try to sell off what they can because of this erosion of control or use them in a world war in a last ditch effort to remain relevant?
National Identity will eventually become a thing of the past

The internet started this trend, but it will probably take until at least 2040 before most of the national identities have eroded into secondary powers. The danger here is whether this vacancy creates a despot keen on ruling the world and creating a one world government. Hopefully by then most people will understand that government is a zero sum game. There’s no point in putting anyone in control when a mathematical algorithm can match nature better.
The key to reaching this point of leaderless self governance, from a programmers perspective, is to create protocols that don’t leave room for anyone to be in control, but can still be trusted because they are open source and peer to peer. This is the key to reducing violence and parasitism in the world. The goal here is to reduce everyones power to do damage on a global scale by forcing conflicts to be conducted P2P with weapons closer to sticks and stones, instead of nukes.
What's the Lesson to be Learned?

Authority creates the condition of responsibility and resulting consequences. If anyone has retained control in any way with unique powers, then authority will go after them. By relinquishing control, you also eliminate blame. If we can create the protocols that don't point to any individuals, but simply by their existence give the option to participate, then all responsibility falls to the individual users. This is the architecture of self governance.
Donations (public bitcoin address):
As long as we sell our labor to the crapitalusts and then buy it back at a loss called profit, we will continue to be slaves depsite getting paid in steem.
Keep working, stop paying.
Some really interesting ideas in here. I hadn't thought of corporations assuming responsibility of maintenance for infrastructure. I often wonder though how much of a difference in control cryptocurrencies will actually make. Certainly governments will lose power, but the bankers they work for, though they may lose power to create money and manipulate interest rates, will still control most of the world assets. Any thoughts about this?
Their power will be reduced, but not completely eliminated. That will require replicators (what you see in Star Trek). 3D printing is a precursor to the idea of replicators. But once you can create any molecular form from the micro to the macro level, money will be completely obsolete and asset reserves will become meaningless.
I see your point although I don't know if I would consume anything from one of those machines without many years of long term testing first :)
But what about land? I assume moving off planet...
I suppose it's good to have hope for my grandchildren. But that still leaves a lot of time for the powers that shouldn't be to do something drastic...
Great far reaching post. National governmental power will decline for sure, if things like the eos constitution flys, this might come earlier than expected. Location wise power might well remain where it is now, as all the whales controlling crypto reside in the West& Far East, not Africa rather an exchange of elites...
Oh shit, man, I really wish I could share your optimism... I'm not sure modern civilization will survive the excesses of late stage capitalism or at least not without at least a hundred years or so of total mayhem, environmental catastrophe, increased anguish, suffering, water wars... A hundred years that are starting very soon probably.
Thanks for your writing. You make these concepts very understandable and much less intimidating.
Good post.It is interesting to read. Thank you.
Great technology.
Thanks for sharing valuable post.
Bitcoin vs. Political Power: The #Cryptocurrency Revolution