
deregulation and smaller government are the go-to solution for the political right

Well, Switzerland is one of most competitive and innovative economies in the world and they have a very small government.

Ugh... a "perfectly fine and fun game"... sure. And the article began so beautiful. Wrong, but beautiful.

which part is wrong?

So, if capitalism, free markets and free enterprise aren't responsible for lifting people out of poverty and creating wealth, then what is?

Except they are responsible for that...

people are liberated from poverty when they come together, organize, and start producing stuff together

My mind is blown away! omg you are a real genius. ROTFLMAO!

as the size of your government is not the problem, it's their allegiance

Every genocide has been committed by big governments, economic crises are caused by big governments.

A government that's truly by the people and for the people can't be big enough.

This sounds very totalitarian. How do you know your "people's government" won't turn its back on you and kill you. A lot of genocides has resulted from believing "the government can never be big enough".

I know it's called Colonial exploration lol

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