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RE: Poll: Enhancing the "Mute" Feature

in #poll6 years ago

The irony is that you currently have me muted but you clearly don't care for that option, but if this was implemented, my comment would be completely invisible regardless that you don't even use steemit yet here you are offering your suggestions for them, but the most important thing though is your "response", which beautifully illustrates exactly the concern that so many people in this post warned against: silencing disagreement. You think you can fake laugh as if there is anything to ridicule about what I said, but there isn't, and it reinforces how elusive simple logic/reasoning is with you, when you could have been a decent fellow and responded in kind, afforded me the same courtesy I did you, but then that would mean actually considering what I said and the validity of my conclusion and i don't expect that an obvious idiot, someone clearly so stupid that they said "Nah(yeah, so cool and nonchalant). The content creator should have power over their own content." when they weren't talking at all about the said creator's content, but other people's content to act other than an idiot who "laughs" at reason and critical thinking, O sweet beautiful irony, forever an inch out of the hypocrite's mental capacity.


Give 'em hell, baah!

Lol, most folks are blind to the contradictions you illuminate for them.
Their denial of the facts tells them to get angry to win.
Their cognitive dissonance bell goes ding, ding, ding.

You really need to get some help man. The excessive aggression coming off of you signals a mental instability.
I do use Steemit except when on my phone and youre not muted though i should mute you.

See the majority of people dont mute opinions or dissagrements in arguments.
They mute people like you that are hostile, that throw around insults and ad hominems.

You are the exact reason why this SHOULD be implemented because you not only defile the comment section of the authors post with your conflict seeking attitude and shameless behavior but you act as a detterant to civil discussion hijacking the comment section and allienating civil individuals that want no part of it.
Mutinf comments on someones post gives the content creator the power to stop this kind of behavior and facilitate the kind of discussion they want on their content.

Their choice to do so is their statement of what they want to see disscused on their post.

If you can create a front end that does that, and is obviously considering this option, if you accept that a front end can control what is seen on their site, then why is it so hard to understand that extending that power beyond to the community is a good thing?

Im for more power to the people and less to organizations.
Its a shame you want to restrict that and not see it happen.


Anyways. Get yourself checked out. This aggresion youre showing is not normal.

Posted using Partiko Android

And now you get muted. 😂

Weak ass, bitch ass, ass ass.

Haha. Insults...

The last resort of insecure people with a crumbling position trying to appear confident.

Have a great day. 😘

Posted using Partiko Android


Just had to read this. Now youre on mute.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dude's a tool, imo.
Thinks blowing stinc is a good thing.

Lol, don't you know Stinc, et al, is steem royalty?
They decree how things are , and we like it.
Well, the morons that don't know better might like it, and maybe the cucks.
I don't like it, at all.

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